Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Capabilities and Motivations

Maia Montgomery is a proficient martial artist

in peak physical condition, who supplements her

speed and stealth with darts, knives, and stun bolts.

While she is not as deadly in hand to hand combat

as a true master of the craft, like the hero Mantra

or the villain Dragonclaw, she has the edge in any

ranged engagement with a martial artist of superior

skill, particularly if she has opportunities to bring her

stealth or superior mobility into play. Her physical

skills are only a small part of her ability, however.

Wraith’s biggest strength is her analytical approach

to fighting crime: she hangs back until she sees an

opening, detecting weaknesses in the enemy’s plan

and then striking at the opportune moment. She

also carries a variety of gadgets, seemingly able to

find just the right thing in her utility belt for any

dilemma, and on the rare occasion where she

has nothing available, she can improvise. Wraith

is most in her element on a rooftop stakeout, or

reconstructing a crime scene. This is not to say that

she isn’t valuable in a fight against an alien despot,

but street level crime is where she can bring all of

her skills to bear.

Personal Life

Wraith’s shift towards teaching has necessitated

a few changes in Maia Montgomery’s lifestyle.

The biggest one is that she has shifted her base

of operations to Megalopolis, both as Maia

Montgomery and as Wraith. While crime still

exists in Rook City, it is evolving to the point

that Dark Watch’s community oriented system

is more effective than a shadowy terror stalking

the night. When the crime network known as

The Organization sent thugs to collect “protecting

payments” from businesses, Wraith descending

from the shadows could make a difference, but

now The Organization is trying a new approach.

When Organization flunkies create Homeowners

Associations in Rook City that require residents

to pay “maintenance and protection” dues, that is

the sort of thing where a grassroots community

response is more effective. This new approach

meant that Montgomery Industries was suddenly

more effective combating the Organization through

social programs than through the actions of their

secret vigilante CEO!

Basically, Wraith does more good right now

as Maia Montgomery working in the open and

teaching in secret as Wraith than she could do by

aiding in secret as Maia Montgomery and working

openly as Wraith. Megalopolis is rebuilding, and

there are a lot of opportunities for criminals in

the shadows there, so when the night air calls her

and the roofs of Megalopolis beckon, she gets her

grappling hook and goes to work. Many of her

field-work classes happen at night, and often on

rooftops. Sometimes she takes promising students

with her on stakeouts, so that they can learn the

vital skills required to successfully stalk a band of

thugs, or shows them how to piece together how a

crime went down from the clues left behind.

Her daily life is a mix of being a busy CEO, missions

as Wraith, and learning how to date someone who

not only knows her secret identity, but who knows

the masked facets of her life better than who she

is without the mask. Maia is also finding that, while

she knows the Tyler Vance that operates the Bunker

suit and is very focused on missions, there is a lot

about him that she doesn’t know when he is more

relaxed. Her analytical side finds it fascinating, but

she’s learning to just relax around him… at least

until she sees a group of thugs corner someone in

an alley. Then, she knows she has someone who can

cover for her while she changes, and who can back

her up as needed.





the Game




the Game





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