Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Example of Play

“Great session, everyone!” says Jennifer, the GM. “You

foiled the Myriad’s plans, but he got away because you

took time to rescue the hostages in the stadium! That

wraps up this issue. Let’s talk about twists. Headlong,

you lost your voice, which affected your social abilities.

Your voice is healing, so that limitation will go away,

but how much does that impact you long term?”

“I guess Headlong learned something about the

value of nonverbal communication,” Adam says, “but

really I think he’s going to be so glad to be able to talk

above a raspy whisper again that he’ll be super chatty

and maybe more than a little annoying. I’ll play that

up next time.”

“Ha! I look forward to it,” Jennifer laughs. “Who do

you think is going to have a harder time with Headlong

being so chipper and chatty, your fellow heroes, or you

yourself, Adam?”

“Good point,” Adam groans. “I may regret this...”

Jennifer turns to Rae. “Muse, you had that throwdown

with Rockstar. Your twist was that everyone looks at

you a little differently now. And maybe from a little

further away.”

“Yeah, you were more than a little scary there,

Muse,” says Christopher as Aeon Girl.

“I was,” says Rae in a dangerous monotone. “You

don’t know what I’m capable of. You don’t know what

I’ve done... and maybe I’ve said a little too much.”

“Wait a minute...” Paul interjects, speaking as

Muerto. “Uh, Muse, what have you done? Is there

something we should know about?”

“Do you all want a social scene here?” asks Jennifer.

“Yeah, just an informal one,” says Rae, breaking

character for a moment. “I think we’re sitting around

at the Freedom Academy talking about this. Muse is

acting like she doesn’t want to talk about it, but clearly

some small part of her needs to open up about it and

get something off her chest.”

The players roleplay a short conversation among the

heroes. No dice are rolled, but it comes out that Muse,

in the past, did some sinister and terrible things. Rae

plays Muse as being cagey about it, and doesn’t reveal

what it is just yet.

“So...” Maggie says as Rockstar. “Maybe we need to

keep at least one eye on Muse.”

“But first and foremost she’s our teammate,”

Christopher says as Aeon Girl. “She’s our friend and

I’m not going to turn on her, ever.”

“Yeah, of course,” says Maggie. “But...”

“And thus some seeds of doubt are sown!” says

Jennifer. “That’s great! Everyone OK with that? Rae,

you’re OK with some of the other heroes having some

doubts about Muse?”

“Oh, definitely,” says Rae. “This is perfect comic

book drama and I want to run with it.”

“Cool,” says Jennifer. “Next, how many hero points

did we get?”

“Four by my count,” says Paul.

Jennifer nods, “Convert those into bonuses for next


“I’m taking a +2, and two +1s,” says Rae.

“Four +1s for me!” says Christopher.

Maggie says, “One +4. Go big or go home, right?”

“Right,” says Adam, giving Maggie a high five. “Same

with me, a +4.”

“A pair of +2s,” says Paul.

“Great!” says Jennifer. “Write those on your

hero sheets so you don’t forget. Finally: This issue is

Daybreak #4, by my count. What’s the title?”

“Dangerous Muse?” offers Maggie.

“Yes!” yells Rae.

“That even kind of fits with Headlong losing his

voice,” says Paul.

“Everyone?” Jennifer asks the table, to nods and

thumbs-up all around. “OK, ‘Daybreak #4: Dangerous

Muse’ it is. Write that down in your Back Issues on

your character sheet. What’s the cover art?”

“I’m thinking the Daybreak team, leaping into action

over the stadium,” says Adam, “But with Muse’s face

with a twisted dark expression superimposed behind

the whole scene.”

The group voices their approval.

“OK! If you wanted to sketch that out, that’d be

fantastic, but no worries if you don’t have time,” says

Jennifer. “And that’s another issue in the books! Next

time, tracking down Myriad! Good job, everyone!”

Example of Play



the Game



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