Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Capabilities and Motivations

Heritage has inherited powers from his family

line, each generation refining and adding abilities.

He has superhuman strength, speed, durability,

bulletproof skin, a warning sense that can alert

him to impending danger, and can fly. He is also

extremely charismatic and inspiring, bringing out

the best in others, often by leading by example.

He makes people want to be the best versions of

themselves. All of these combine to make him an

extremely effective leader, but his greatest strength

is always his resolve to protect others. No matter

what, he does what he considers the right thing,

and more often than not, he rallies those around

him to help.

Personal Life

At first glance, Heritage lives what would be

considered the stereotypical American life:

white picket fence, dog, loving family, barbecues

with friends on sunny Sunday afternoons. This

impression rarely lasts long, however, as his home

life is anything but typical. His wife Emily Parsons

is a Senator, which means that she is frequently

away attending to matters of state. His daughter

Pauline Parsons — who always preferred going by

her middle name, Felicia — has moved out and is

the new Legacy. Paul keeps busy as a member of

G.L.O.B.A.L. and as a teacher, and his decision to

trust Felicia to carry on the Legacy name has

brought the family even closer together.

While in Megalopolis, Heritage spends most

of his time teaching courses on Communications

and American History at the Sentinels of

Freedom Academy of Heroics and Justice. He

is of the firm belief that having powers doesn’t

mean skipping a quality education. His background

as a hero on and off the field comes in handy with

the students, since they know that he’s the real

deal and give him (slightly) more respect than they

would give other adults. Raising a daughter with

powers gave him a lot of experience in dealing

with the special challenges involved with

teaching students who are discovering

new powers and constantly testing their

limits. He’s also an able combat course

instructor, since his nigh-indestructibility

means that the students can really let

loose without having to worry too

much that they are going to hurt him.

While the destruction wrought by

OblivAeon was tragic, it did have one

positive side effect — it showed just how

many people around the world were willing to step

up and help others, many of them with powers

of their own. Because of this untapped resource,

a new organization has been formed to better

coordinate heroes worldwide: the Geocentric

Limited Operations for the Benefit of Advanced

Lifeforms, more commonly known as G.L.O.B.A.L.

By connecting heroes around the world, individual

heroes know who they can call on in their area,

preventing disasters, saving more people, and forging

friendships. Nations can send representatives

to G.L.O.B.A.L. (voluntarily, of course), to learn

more about heroes worldwide and work towards

creating a worldwide community. Heritage is the

United States representative, serving as a consultant

about the kinds of threats heroes can face as well

as putting his considerable charisma to work as an

ambassador for heroes in general. G.L.O.B.A.L. is

still in its infancy, but with more nations signing on

all the time, it could become a true force for good

in the world.




the Game




the Game





A rchives




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