Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Felicia grew up knowing that she would one day

carry on her father’s work as a hero. Once her

powers manifested, she was eager to prove herself.

After she went out on patrol without her parents’

permission, Legacy realized the time for her training

had come. Taking flight as “Young Legacy”, Felicia

had to balance school and the demands of being

a hero. She quickly realized she wanted a secret

identity. Her father had no such secrets, and she

saw just how much he gave of himself wherever

he went; for Paul Parsons, there was no time off.

Felicia wanted to have a social life with people who

didn’t know that she could crush a steel beam. She

wanted to go to parties, attend a rally, or just sit

and study. She wanted to be treated like a normal

person, not a statue on a pedestal.

The identity of “Felicia Fields, normal girl”, turned

out to be tricky to maintain. Despite wanting a

normal life, she was every inch her father’s daughter,

unable to turn aside when she saw something

wrong. College was a hectic mix of studying, social

engagements, and dealing with the occasional

villain. In between crises — be they exams or bank

robberies — she met two people who would go

on to become fixtures in her life. The first, Jimmy

Wong, rapidly became one of her best friends, even

after he discovered her secret identity. The second,

Marissa Snow, rapidly became her rival, the two of

them constantly pushing each other.


Alias: Pauline “Felicia Fields” Parsons

Gender: Female

Age: Early-20s

Height: 5’ 10”

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Skin: Fair

Build: Athletic

Costume/Equipment: Legacy wears the iconic

Legacy costume, complete with Legacy insignia,

blue cape, and tall red boots.

Background: Dynasty

Power Source: Genetic

Archetype: Flyer

Personality: Cheerful

OblivAeon struck shortly before Felicia graduated,

and she leapt into action alongside the heroes of the

multiverse to combat the singular entity. She and

her father and time-displaced grandfather fought

the cosmic entity directly, keeping it busy while the

rest of the heroes prepared a trap. When the trap

was sprung, OblivAeon and her fellow heroes were

transported away in a burst of energy, leaving her in

Megalopolis. The fight wasn’t over for her, however.

Soon after OblivAeon disappeared, a cosmically

empowered Rainek Kel’Voss appeared in his place,

having absorbed the power of OblivAeon. Felicia

fought the Thorathian with heroes such as Tempest,

Sky-Scraper, and Guise, but they could not defeat

him, augmented as he was with the stolen energy. It

was only through the return of the Freedom Five,

magical assistance from the Harpy, and a cunning

triple-cross from Baron Blade that Voss was drained

of power and ultimately defeated.

Graduation was comparatively underwhelming

after saving the multiverse, but she had earned it.



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