Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Vanessa Long’s parents were informed that she had

not survived birth. In truth she had, but was taken by

Project Cocoon, a secret program looking to create

psychic soldiers that had identified her psionic

potential. There, she was to be experimented on to

expand her powers and training to focus them until

she was the perfect weapon. However, the realityjumping

intervention of Visionary, an alternate

reality’s version of Vanessa Long who had gone

through such training, saved her from such a fate.

Visionary rescued her and Project Cocoon was

demolished. The infant was returned to her parents,

and she was given a normal childhood in the small

town of Ravenwood, just outside Rook City.


Alias: Vanessa Long

Gender: Female

Age: Early-Teens

Height: 4’10”

Eyes: Violet

Hair: Black

Skin: Pale

Build: Slight

Costume/Equipment: Muse wears a simple purple

tank top with pink accents, purple torn leggings

over pink tights, and purple boots. She also wears a

pink hip sash, and a purple face mask, emblazoned

with a third eye in the middle of her forehead.

Background: Former Villain

Power Source: The Multiverse

Archetype: Psychic

Personality: Nurturing

When Vanessa was 6 years old, her psychic

powers manifested. She fell into a coma and her

mind unleashed creatures born of her nightmares.

Many heroes had to work together to defeat the

nightmarish projections of The Dreamer. After

pinpointing her as the source, Visionary psionically

eased the young girl out of her coma, stopping

the manifestations, but leaving everyone shaken.

Visionary had hoped that by saving the child from

Cocoon, she had prevented her from developing

such powers, but it was all too apparent that

young Vanessa had the makings of a powerful

psychic. Vanessa tried to resume her home life,

but her parents were terrified by the thing they

no longer considered their daughter. Sensing the

girl’s distress, Dark Visionary (now an evil version

of herself that had previously been imprisoned),

removed the memories of The Dreamer from her

parents and everyone around. Young Vanessa Long

could finally live in peace — albeit a peace secured

by invasive psychic surgery.

Vanessa had no way of knowing that her parents’

memories had been altered, but she remembered

how uneasy everyone had been about her powers.

She refused to use them for years, until later in

middle school when she started to practice in

secret. This revealed truths that she wasn’t ready

for: hidden lies that everyone told themselves to

hide their own darker impulses, or even to prevent

themselves from being incredible. Things like “No

one will know,” or “I’m too dumb to try that.”

This led to her experimenting with her powers to

influence those inner feelings, bolstering confidence

and removing doubt to bring the best out in

people, or removing thoughts urging people to

their worst selves. This experimentation also led to

her discovery, around the time of OblivAeon, of the

mental blocks on her parents, which she decided to



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