Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Progeny, she pushed every limit she had, but in the

end she was almost killed by it. Healing forced her

to slow down, and learning how to pace herself

was the key to surviving OblivAeon. The fight was

a long and exhausting one, and the hard lessons

she had learned about conserving energy and

delegating instead of trying to do it all herself were

the only things that let her survive.

Capabilities and Motivations

There is no theoretical upper limit on Tachyon’s

powers, but years of fighting have taken a toll on

her ability to sustain high speeds, especially the

staggering loss she experienced at the hands of

the mindless Scion known as Progeny during the

OblivAeon event. She now needs much more

focus in order to prevent her powers from tearing

her body apart at high speeds. Her stabilization

device does grant her some leeway, but pushing

the upper limits of her potential velocities would

unquestionably result in permanent serious injury.

Tachyon’s unmatched speed is only one facet of her

abilities, however. Perhaps even more impressive

is her mental ability to quickly assess a problem,

break it down, and devise a solution. Tachyon has

had years of experience in figuring out exactly how

to use her powers and her scientific know-how

together to make the best of both.

Personal Life

Tachyon’s life has always been characterized by

doing six things at once, but becoming a teacher

is making her focus on single tasks more. Or, at

least, only a couple at a time. OK, maybe three,

sometimes. While she does have a lot of concurrent

experiments going on, she has continued to learn

how to delegate to lab assistants, so that she isn’t

constantly zipping between them and can instead

focus on doing the things that only she can do,

the most crucial part of the experiments, or the

making sure that her students don’t mix up their

chemicals and cause explosions. It’s very much

a work in progress for her, since her natural

impulse is still to do everything at once.

Tachyon’s home life is as busy as ever. Neither

she nor Dana have ever been the type to sit

back and do nothing, but they are taking more

time for each other. Tachyon’s brush with death

against Progeny has made her more appreciative

of the people in her life, and so she is actively

trying to spend more time with them. Dana still

models, but her chief concern is as an activist.

Beauty comes in many forms, and Dana wants to

ensure that future generations can see the majesty

of nature, making her an outspoken advocate of

research into climate change. She is also working to

improve people’s inner beauty by raising awareness

of mental illness, sponsoring anumber of mental

health programs, and normalizing talking about

mental health. Beauty may be skin deep, but it’s

what is inside a person that makes them radiant!

All in all, Dr. Stinson has her hands full. While she

primarily deals with the students who are studying

advanced types of science, they still demand a

great deal of supervision, especially since they are

in a laboratory with some of the most advanced

tech on earth. It’s not that she doesn’t trust their

intentions, but an accident with a warp gate or

dark matter condenser could still have apocalyptic

repercussions! And she’s still very much enjoying

her continued research. Between delving into

Maerynian, Thorathian, Endling, and OblivAeon

tech, as well as her own inventions, she is making

new discoveries all the time!




the Game




the Game





A rchives




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