Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Scene 2

Basement One:

Administrative Offices

This level contains the Administrative Offices, an

Auditorium, and the Staff Living Quarters. There

are /2 Antibody Bots here.

A hero who wants to spend their turn looking

around might find things like:

• The personal quarters of the scientists are

tiny but could house a dozen people. They’re

very lived in – the scientists clearly left (or

were removed) quickly, without packing, and

possibly not voluntarily.

• A handwritten note in an office drawer states

“Remember: you stashed the blue block near

water tank 5.” This gives the heroes a +2 to

locate the blue key in Basement Two.

• A bottle labeled “Detangler,” making the hero

possessing it immune to the Big Shaggy Angry

Thing’s "Intensely Shaggy" ability.

The staircase is both locked and filled with

highly a deadly biotoxin gas. To proceed to the

next floor through the stairs, the heroes must

find a way to disable the lock then deal with the

biotoxin. (Or they could smash through the floor.

Remember: reward creativity!)

Remember that there is a -1 penalty on either

physical or electronic methods, depending on

what the heroes did last time — it’s up to you to

decide what category their attempt falls in.

Basement Two: Agricultural Lab

Basement Two contains the mega-agricultural

laboratory. Large hydroponic tanks full of various

oversized food crops grow peacefully — except

for the /2 Defender Pods, which are anything

but peaceful as they whip their "heads" around,

seeking suitable targets for their grain flechettes.

The lock to the stairwell is a two-key lock

mechanically impervious to other forms of hacking.

The keys are thumb-sized square blocks of brightly

colored molded plastic, infused with complex

electrical pathways that form unduplicatable keys.

Opening the complex lock requires locating both

of the keys — one blue and one yellow — and

placing them in their specific receptacles. The

heroes must successfully Overcome to find each

key once they realize that’s what they need to do.

If they found the note in Basement One, they have

a +2 bonus to finding the blue key.

Basement Three: Cryogenics Lab

Basement Three contains the cryogenics lab. Tanks

of liquid helium, superconducting magnets, frigid

cryochambers, etc. /2 Cryopedes are leaving

frosty trails on the floor as they scuttle about.

The staircase is only accessible through a large

cryochamber, kept only a few degrees above

absolute zero. To get to the stairs safely, the frigid

gas within the chamber must be dealt with and

the lock must be hacked or destroyed





Scene 2

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