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Збірник тез XVI Міжнародно медичного конгресу студентів та ...

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Maksimchuk Natalia, Ungurian Andrey<br />



Department of Pediatric Surgery and Otolaryngology<br />

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Boris Bodnar<br />

Bukovinian State Medical University<br />

Structural changes in the intestines which occur during inflammatory diseases of the abdomen have<br />

important diagnostic and prognostic value which predetermines the importance of studying them. However, despite<br />

the existence of this group of diseases, a significant proportion of unanswered questions remains which have<br />

extremely important clinical significance. One of these issues is the status of the APUD-system of the intestines<br />

that is known to be the leading system of regulation of local homeostasis, thus influencing the course of the<br />

process of inflammation, regeneration, secretion, and motor activity. The above mention role of the APUD-system<br />

can not be overemphasized, because the effects on such physiological processes determines the patient's<br />

recovery and restoration of bowel motility.<br />

Our purpose in this study was to examine the state of the APUD-system of the intestine after past purulentinflammatory<br />

diseases of the abdominal cavity in an experiment. The study was conducted on 75 white rats.<br />

Peritonitis was modeled by introducing the rat's own feces into the abdominal cavity. Collection of material for<br />

histological analysis was performed using standard procedures. In the model of fecal peritonitis, destructive<br />

inflammatory changes were observed in the intestinal wall, which manifestated as the thickening of the serous<br />

membraine and its focal fibrosis, moderate diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages. In the study of the<br />

APUD-system a marked reduction in cell number was observed as well as the presence of apudocytes only in<br />

some glands, and a small amount of argentaffin granules in cells. When staining the walls of the intestine by the<br />

Masson-Hamperl method a large amount of APUD-cells were found in glands, when compared with the main<br />

group, for which ozonized physiological solution was not used for sanitation. The amount of apudocytes was<br />

significant in almost all colonic crypts.<br />

The amount of granules and their sizes were larger, granules were located in both basal and apical parts of<br />

cells. This study showed that during peritonitis, dystrophic changes are pronounced, fibrosis of the serous and<br />

muscle membrane of the intestine, reduction in the number and functional activity of APUD-cells that enhance the<br />

process of comissure formation. Morphological study of the effect of ozone on comissure formation showed high<br />

efficiency of this method in preventing the formation of comissures.<br />

Kirichenko Oleg<br />



Department of General Surgery<br />

Dr. (Medicine) and Professor of Science, V. Ganji<br />

Zaporozhye State Medical University<br />

Zaporozhye, Ukraine<br />

Over the past 40 years, the frequency of acute colonic obstruction (ACO) in the occurrence of all forms of<br />

acute intestinal obstruction (AIO) increased from 2-5 % to 20-24%. This pathology is one of the challenges in<br />

terms of diagnosis and treatment, which is characterized by the development of severe complications and high<br />

postoperative mortality. The reasons for ACO are tumors of the colon, extraorganic tumor inversions, sigmoid and<br />

cecum, strangulated hernia, coprostasia, strictures of the large intestine, etc. In spite of recent advances in<br />

abdominal surgery and postoperative intensive care, outcomes in patients with ACO cannot be considered<br />

satisfactory since case fatality rates are 17-21%. Issues of post-operative treatment of ACO continue to be relevant<br />

at the present time, despite some advances in surgical techniques, and the use of modern methods of<br />

detoxification and antibiotic therapy.<br />

In this context it is noteworthy that the universal antimicrobial and biostimulation effect of ozone and<br />

sodium hypochlorite is therapeutic, and can improve post- surgical outcomes. It has been found that ozone in<br />

ozonated solutions of sodium hypochlorite is particularly effective due to high biological activity, as well as a<br />

providing a wide range of therapeutic effects with a minimal risk of subsequent development of inflammatory<br />

complications. The monitoring group in this study was represented by 24 patients, who in addition to traditional<br />

antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy in the postoperative period, received ozone in the form of intravenous<br />

infusions of 400 ml of ozonated saline solution with a concentration of ozone at 1500 ug / l. Treatment consisted of<br />

6 sessions, held daily. The control group were patients treated with conventional postoperative therapy. For this<br />

clinical trial, the pre-conditions of members of the selected groups were homogeneous.<br />

Conclusions: The use of intravenous ozone therapy in the complex treatment of patients with postoperative<br />

ACO leads to a positive clinical effect in 88% of cases, significantly reducing the rates of inflammatory syndrome,<br />

significantly increasing the activity of the antioxidant system, and reducing the activation of lipid peroxidation by<br />

21%.<br />


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