Steven Pinker -- How the Mind Works - Hampshire High Italian ...

Steven Pinker -- How the Mind Works - Hampshire High Italian ...

Steven Pinker -- How the Mind Works - Hampshire High Italian ...


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Index 641Gratitude, 396, 404, 405, 406, 507Gravity, 172, 245, 264^266, 278, 319Great Chain of Being, 151, 179, 301Great Gatsby, The, 587Greenwald, Anthony, 582Gregory, Richard, 575, 587Grief, 420-421,424Grossberg, Stephen, 570Group favoritism. See Coalitional psychology; Ethnocentrism; RacismGroup living, 192-194, 198Group selection, 397-398Gruber, Jeffrey, 580Guilt, 404-405Guthrie, Woody, 532Habitat preferences, 190, 200, 374-378, 526, 537Hadley, Robert, 571Haig, David, 443, 583Hair, 194, 484Haldane, J. B. S., 400Haley, Bill, 531Hamer, Dean, 56, 569Hames, Raymond, 547Hamilton, Alexander, 497Hamilton, William, 400, 462, 503, 568, 581, 582, 584, 586Hamlet, 587Handedness, 207, 275-279, 281-284Handicap principle, 415-416, 418-419, 493-494, 500-502,522-523Hands, 12, 194-195, 198,198-199, 200, 201Happiness, 389-393, 424, 469Harems, animal, 465-466, 495, 518; human, 476, 477, 491Harpending, H., 574Harris, H. Yoni, 583Harris, Judith, 449-450, 453, 583Harris, Marvin, 383-385, 574, 578, 581, 584, 586, 588Harris, P., 578Harrison, George, 528—529Harrison, Rex, 535Hartley, David, 113Hartung, John, 586Harvey, William, 22Hatano, Giyoo, 327, 579Hatfield, Elaine, 469, 567, 582, 583, 584Hauser, Marc, 386, 573, 579, 582, 585, 587Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 587Hebb, D. O., 285, 386, 577Heerwagen, Judith, 376, 377, 587Hefner, Hugh, 473Heider, Fritz, 322Height, 495-496Held, Richard, 238, 240, 575Helen of Troy, 512

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