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99 dobre utra<br />

diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis [L], he pulls down, he builds<br />

up, he changes square things into round: Horace.<br />

dis aliter visum [L], to the gods it has seemed otherwise: Virgil.<br />

di salto [It], at a leap; by leaps <strong>and</strong> bounds.<br />

disce pati [L], learn to endure.<br />

discere docendo [L], to learn through teaching.<br />

discothèque [Fr], small intimate nightclub.<br />

dis ducibus [L], under the direction of the gods.<br />

diseur [Fr; fern, diseuse], talker; teller; speaker. —diseur de bons mots,<br />

joker; jester. —diseur de riens, lit., talker about nothings; idle talker.<br />

disiecta membra [L], scattered parts {or remains).<br />

disiecti membra poetae [L], limbs of the dismembered poet: Horace.<br />

disinvolto [It], free; easy; graceful; spirited,<br />

δις κράμβη θάνατος [Gr; dis krámbe thánatos], cabbage, twice over, is<br />

death. Cf. CRAMBE REPETITA.<br />

dis-moi ce que tu manges, et je dirai ce que tu es [Fr], teil me what<br />

you eat, <strong>and</strong> I will tell you what you are: BHllat-Savann.<br />

dispendia morae [L], loss of time: Virgil.<br />

distingué [Fr; fern, distinguée], distinguished; of aristocratic air or<br />

bearing; remarkable; eminent.<br />

distrait [Fr; fern, distraite], absentminded; abstracted.<br />

dit [Fr], said; called; surnamed; alias.<br />

ditat Deus [L], God enriches: motto of Arizona.<br />

diti [Russ; sing, ribyonik], children.<br />

diva [It.; pi. dive], lit., goddess; prima donna.<br />

divertissement [Fr], entertainment; diversion; amusement; theat., interlude;<br />

music, a light, entertaining composition or medley.<br />

dives agris, dives positis in faenore nummis [L], rich in l<strong>and</strong>s, rich<br />

in money put out at interest: Horace.<br />

divide et impera [L], divide <strong>and</strong> rule.<br />

Divina Commedia [It], Divine Comedy: title of Dante's great epic poem.<br />

divinae partícula aurae [L], a particle of divine spirit (lit., air, breath):<br />

Horace.<br />

Divis [Ger; pi. Divise], hyphen: typog.<br />

divisi [It], divided; separate; a direction that two or <strong>more</strong> parts on the<br />

same staff are to be divided among several performers: music.<br />

divitiae virum faciunt [L], riches make the man.<br />

divorcé [Fr.; fern, divorcée], a divorced person.<br />

diwan [Pers], orig., a royal court, council of state, or tribunal of justice;<br />

in Indian native states, a minister of state.<br />

dixi [L], I have said (all that I am going to); I have spoken.<br />

dizer mentira por tirar a verdade [Pg], to lie to discover the truth.<br />

djinn [Ar], spirit; genie.<br />

dobre din [Russ], good afternoon.<br />

dobre utra [Russ], good morning.

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