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F<br />

123<br />

faber est quisque fortunae suae [L], everyone is the architect of his<br />

own fortune: Sallust.<br />

fabliau [Fr; pi. fabliaux], one of the short metrical tales or contes told<br />

by the trouvères (minstrels) in the 12th <strong>and</strong> 13th centuries.<br />

fábrica [Sp], factory; plant; mill; elee, powerhouse.<br />

façade [Fr], front, usually of building; also a false front; something<br />

intended to create a false impression: a façade of gentility.<br />

fâcheux [Fr; fern, fâcheuse], grievous; vexatious; troublesome.<br />

facies non omnibus una nec diversa tarnen [L], the features are not<br />

the same in all respects, nor are they quite different: Ovid.<br />

facile [Fr & It], easy; light; fluent: music.<br />

facile est inventis addere [L], it is easy to add to things already invented.<br />

facile largire de alieno [L], it is easy to be generous with what is<br />

another's.<br />

facile princeps [L], easily chief (or first).<br />

facilis descensus Averno (or Averni) [L], the descent to Avernus (or<br />

hell) is easy: Virgil.<br />

facilité de parler, c'est impuissance de se taire [Fr], fluency of speech<br />

is (often) inability to hold the tongue: Rousseau.<br />

facinus quos inquinat aequat [L], crime equalizes those whom it<br />

contaminates: Lucan.<br />

facio ut des [L], lit., I do that you may give; a form of contract: law.<br />

facio ut facias [L], lit., I do that you may do; a form of contract: law.<br />

Facit [Ger], result; product; sum: arith.<br />

facit indignatio versum [L], indignation produces verse, righteous<br />

anger flames into verse: Juvenal.<br />

façon [Fr], fashion; manner; way; style. —façon de parler, way of<br />

speaking; manner of speech.<br />

facta non verba [L], deeds, not <strong>words</strong>.<br />

facteur [Fr], agent; postman; letter carrier.<br />

factum est [L], it is done.<br />

factura [Sp], invoice.<br />

fac ut sciam [L], lit., make me know (or be aware); tell me.<br />

fade [Fr], insipid; stale; flat; dull; pointless.<br />

faenum habet in cornu, longe fuge [L], he has hay on his horn (the<br />

mark of a dangerous bull); stay away <strong>from</strong> him; beware of him, he<br />

is vicious: Horace.<br />

faex populi [L; pi. faeces populi], dregs (or scum) of the people; the<br />

rabble: Cicero.<br />

Fahlb<strong>and</strong> [Ger], lit., fallow b<strong>and</strong>; a zone or stratum of rock, permeated<br />

with metallic sulfides <strong>and</strong> become a rusty brown through oxidation.

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