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Gebirg 140<br />

Gebirg [Ger; pl. Gebirge], mountain; mountain chain.<br />

geboren [Ger], born: abbr. geb.<br />

gebranntes Kind scheut das Feuer [Ger], a burned child fears the fire.<br />

Gebraucht der Zeit! sie geht so schnell von hinnen; doch Ordnung<br />

lehrt euch Zeit gewinnen [Ger],<br />

Use then each hour—fast, fast they glide away;<br />

But learn, through Order, Time's swift flight to stay.<br />

—GOETHE.<br />

Gebrüder [Ger], brothers: abbr. Gbr. or Geb.<br />

gedämpft [Ger], muffled; muted: music.<br />

Gedicht [Ger; pl. Gedichte], poem.<br />

geflügelte Worte [Ger], winged <strong>words</strong>. Cf. eirect irrepóevTa (épea<br />

pteróenta).<br />

Gefühl [Ger], feeling; sentiment; music, expression.<br />

gehend [Ger], at a walking pace; <strong>and</strong>ante: music.<br />

geisha [Jap], lit., art person; a young woman trained to entertain <strong>and</strong><br />

provide company for men: Japan.<br />

Geist [Ger], spirit; animating principle.<br />

geistig [Ger], spiritual; intellectual; witty.<br />

geläufig [Ger], fluent; voluble; facile.<br />

Geld oder Tod [Ger], lit., money or death; your money or your life.<br />

Geld regiert die Welt [Ger], money rules the world.<br />

gelée [Fr], frost; cookery, jelly. —gelée de groseille, currant jelly.<br />

Gelehrten-verein [Ger], a literary society or club.<br />

7€λως άκαιρος kv βροτοΐς ôeivov κακόν [Gr; gélos ákairos en brotoîs<br />

deinòn kakón], ill-timed laughter in mortals is a grievous evil: Men<strong>and</strong>er.<br />

gemach [Ger], comfortable; easy. —gemach!, stop! hold on! easy there!<br />

not so fast!<br />

gemütlich [Ger], good-natured; kindly.<br />

Gemütlichkeit [Ger], good nature; kindliness; cordiality; easygoing<br />

disposition; freedom <strong>from</strong> financial worries.<br />

gendarme [Fr], a soldier employed as a policeman, esp. in France.<br />

gendarmerie [Fr], force of gendarmes: constabulary.<br />

génépi [Fr], a sweet absinthe, made <strong>from</strong> alpine wormwood.<br />

generalia [L], general principles.<br />

géneros [Sp], goods; commodities.<br />

genius loci [L; pl. genii loci], the genius (or presiding deity) of a place.<br />

genre [Fr], kind; sort; species; style; fine arts, portrayal of scenes <strong>from</strong><br />

everyday life. —de bon genre, gentlemanly; ladylike, —de mauvais<br />

genre, ungentlemanly; unladylike.<br />

gens [Fr], people; persons; domestics; nations. —gens d'affaires, business<br />

people. —gens d'armes, men at arms: hist. —gens de condition,<br />

people of rank. —gens d'église, clergymen; churchmen. —gens de

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