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129 fieri facias<br />

fiat Dei voluntas [L], God's will be done.<br />

fiat experimentum in corpore vili [L], let the experiment be made<br />

upon a worthless body (or object).<br />

fiat haustus [L], let a draft be made: abbr. (in prescriptions) ft. haust.<br />

fiat iustitia, ruat caelum [L], let justice be done, though the heavens<br />

fall.<br />

fiat lux [L], let there be light: Vulgate (Genesis i. 3).<br />

fiat mistura [L], let a mixture be made: abbr. (in prescriptions) ft. mist.<br />

fiato [It], breath; respiration. —stromenti da fiato, wind instruments:<br />

music.<br />

fiat voluntas tua [L], Thy will be done: Vulgate (Matthew vi. 10).<br />

ficelle [Fr], packthread; twine; hence, of the color of pack thread.<br />

ficta voluptatis causa sint próxima veris [L], fictions if they are to<br />

please should bear the semblance of truth: Horace.<br />

fictilia [L], pottery.<br />

fictilis [L], made of pottery: abbr. fict.<br />

fidalgo [Pg], Portuguese noble, corresponding to Spanish hidalgo.<br />

fide et a<strong>more</strong> [L], by faith <strong>and</strong> love.<br />

fide et fiducia [L], by fidelity <strong>and</strong> confidence.<br />

fide et fortitudine [L], by fidelity <strong>and</strong> fortitude.<br />

fidei coticula crux [L], the cross is the touchstone of faith.<br />

fidei defensor [L], Defender of the Faith (a title of the monarchs of<br />

Engl<strong>and</strong>): abbr. F.D. or fid. def.<br />

fìdeli certa merces [L], to the faithful one, reward is sure.<br />

fidelis ad urnam [L], lit., faithful to the urn; true till death.<br />

fidélité est de Dieu [Fr], fidelity is of God.<br />

fideliter [L], faithfully.<br />

fide, non armis [L], by faith, not by arms.<br />

fides ante intellectum [L], faith before underst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

fide, sed cui vide [L], trust, but take care whom.<br />

fides et iustitia [L], fidelity <strong>and</strong> justice.<br />

fides facit fidem [L], faith creates faith; confidence begets confidence.<br />

fides non timet [L], faith does not fear.<br />

fides probata coronat [L], approved faith confers a crown.<br />

fides Punica [L], Punic faith; treachery.<br />

fides serv<strong>and</strong>a est [L], faith must be kept.<br />

fi donc! [Fr], fie! for shame!<br />

fidus Achates [L], faithful Achates; hence, a trusted friend; devoted<br />

follower: Virgil.<br />

fidus et audax [L], faithful <strong>and</strong> courageous.<br />

fiel pero desdichado [Sp], faithful but unlucky.<br />

fier [Fr; fern, fière], proud; haughty.<br />

fieramente [It], ferociously; haughtily: music.<br />

fieri facias [L], lit., cause it to be done; a writ comm<strong>and</strong>ing the sheriff<br />

to execute judgment: abbr. fi.fa.

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