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scordato 280<br />

scordato [It], put out of tune: music.<br />

scordatura [It], the intentional tuning of a stringed instrument in an<br />

irregular manner: music.<br />

scorrendo [It], gliding: music.<br />

scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons [L], the foundation<br />

<strong>and</strong> source of writing well is to be wise; "sound judgment is the<br />

ground of writing well": Horace (tr. by the Earl of Roscommon).<br />

scribere iussit amor [L], love bade me write: Ovid.<br />

scribere scientes [L], skilled in writing.<br />

scribimus indocti doctique [L], learned <strong>and</strong> unlearned, we all write:<br />

Horace.<br />

scripsi [L], I have written.<br />

scripsit [L], he (or she) wrote (it).<br />

scrutin [Fr], ballot; voting. —scrutin d'arrondissement, a method of<br />

voting by which the elector votes for one or <strong>more</strong> representatives<br />

for his own district only. —scrutin de liste, voting for a group of<br />

departmental representatives collectively.<br />

sculpsit [L], he (or she) carved or engraved (this work): abbr. sc. or<br />

sculp, (usually following the artist's name).<br />

scusi! or scusate! or scusatemi! [It], pardon! I beg pardon! pardon me!<br />

excuse me!<br />

scuto bonae voluntatis tuae coronasti nos [L], with the shield of thy<br />

good will thou hast encompassed us: one of the mottoes of Maryl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

sdegno [It], disdain; indignation.<br />

sdegnoso [It], disdainful; scornful: music.<br />

séance [Fr], a spiritualist meeting.<br />

se battre contre des moulins [Fr], to fight against windmills.<br />

seconda volta [It], second time: music.<br />

secrétaire [Fr], an escritoire; secretary (in all senses).<br />

secundum [L], according to: abbr. sec. —secundum artem, according<br />

to art (or rule); scientifically; also, artificially: abbr. sec. art. —secundum<br />

formam statuti, according to the form of the statute. —secundum<br />

genera, according to classes. —secundum legem, according to law:<br />

abbr. sec. leg. —secundum naturam, according to nature; naturally;<br />

not artificially: abbr. sec. nat. —secundum ordinem, in order; orderly;<br />

in an orderly manner. —secundum quid, lit., according to something;<br />

in some one respect only; with limitations. —secundum regulam,<br />

according to rule: abbr. sec. reg. —secundum usum, according to<br />

usage. —secundum veritatem, according to truth; universally valid.<br />

securus iudicat orbis terrarum [L], the whole world judges in safety<br />

(i.e., its judgment is unswayed by fear): St. Augustine.<br />

se defendendo [L], in defending himself (or herself).<br />

sed haec hactenus [L], but so much for this.<br />

se Dio ti lasci, lettor, prender frutto di tua lezione [It], may God<br />

vouchsafe thee, reader, to gather fruit <strong>from</strong> this thy reading: Dante.

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