tasavvuf feısefesi - Ankara Üniversitesi Kitaplar Veritabanı

tasavvuf feısefesi - Ankara Üniversitesi Kitaplar Veritabanı

tasavvuf feısefesi - Ankara Üniversitesi Kitaplar Veritabanı


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Nicholson, R. A., Origin and Development of Sufism, J.R.A.S. Ocak 1906.<br />

Nicholson, R. A., Biographies of Inbu'l-Arabi and ibnu'l- Fâriz extracted from Sezerât ez-Zeheb,<br />

J.R.A.S. Ekim 1906.<br />

Nicholson, R. A., The Goal of Mohammedan Mysticism. J. R. A. S. 1913.<br />

Palacios, M. A., Abenmasarra y su Escuela, Madrid 1914.<br />

Palacios, M. A., Islâm and the Divine Comedy, Londra 1926.<br />

Palacios, M. A., The Psychology of Ibnu'l-Arabi, Acts of the 14th Oriental Congress, Cezayir<br />

1905.<br />

Redhouse, J. W., The Most Comely Names, J.R.A.S. 1880.<br />

Başka Eserler<br />

Bigg, C., Chiristian Platonists of Alexandria, (2. bask ı) Londra 1913.<br />

Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, Londra 1920.<br />

Inge, Philosophy of Plotinus, 2 cilt, Londra 1918.<br />

Inge, Personal Idealism and Mysticism, Paddock Lectures 1934.<br />

Inge, Christian Mysticism, Bampton Lectures 1933.<br />

Joachim, H., A Study of the Ethics of Spinoza, Oxford 1901.<br />

Mackenna, S., Ethical Treatises tr. from Plotinus' Enneads, I-IV. ciltler, Londra 1921-1926.<br />

Russell, B., Mysticism and Logic, Londra 1932.<br />

Whittaker, The Neo-Platonists, Cambridge 1928.<br />

Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, ne şr.: Hastings.<br />

Encyclopedia of Islam (eski bask ı).<br />


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