Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula - Sabrizain.org

Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula - Sabrizain.org

Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula - Sabrizain.org


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634<br />


loi ye-punya jalok iakal mengmeng jung(?) his, lebi jero ma' pa'<br />

ascend its summit to-morrow before (?) mid (?) day, more far towards<br />

ting mun jelmol Jelingam (?) jero ta bahlf dherik jelm61 Kerbu empak<br />

hand right zV Mt. Jelingam high more (?) again (?) than Mt. Kcrbu on<br />

k-.-mbuch ana jelmol hong he hong.<br />

all (?) <strong>the</strong>se mountains <strong>the</strong>re-is (?) no (?) water.<br />

Sakai ok Sungei Raya in Original Spelling.^<br />

Dou tiba loun Riam, an peker - lobi ^ tchoron kato nogri * ado, kotapi an<br />

silap ghe lain nano loun lob^ ntoui poutcho kato aouan, bandin* nto kita laghi<br />

iia lai" an ock oukoum pon siap idji S'inoui ; maii louniom an tOUeh osch<br />

tolash passan, laghi ghaghe" tchiana^ tchiehem katou likomon senhoi sama gop<br />

bosatOU rOU osch," ada loumam maii sorlet,'" ghe aban katop '* isi. Tchora<br />

ghe eiitaiia nanou '- pouloU '^ to" Gonta ayo '•' imo loun klilin"' kita. " Adja<br />

loun nlOi '" bakou '-^ sana loun KerboU ; deri befi tcholo to Kerbou ; *" kita ta'"-'<br />

\k\ dia pouiia'-' poutcho houpoul " tchano kolighi,--* lobi iia liJn kontam loun<br />

Djelinain,^* lobi "^ ghe tsoran deri loun Kerbou ; -'' alas sonioua ini loun te ta '"<br />

' -^<br />

toud-h.<br />

"<br />

Sakai <strong>of</strong> Sungei Raya in Revised Si-ei.ijng wnii Interlinear<br />

Translation.<br />

Du29 tiba lun Riam an peker lebi chtrong '"* kato<br />

In <strong>the</strong> evening we arrive on Mt. Kiam I thought it was more high in<br />

nfgri ado kdtapi an silap<br />

gii ^^ lain nano lun l^be 'ntui<br />

country this but I was-mistaken a-little ano<strong>the</strong>r one mountain more big<br />

pucho kato awan banding 'nto kita lag! nya lai an ok ukuni<br />

//v-peak<br />

pon<br />

in <strong>the</strong> clouds rears-up(?) before us still far to-reach I gave order<br />

^^ siap ^ ijl scngui mang Ivimom<br />

to-halt and make-ready because day was-turning-into night <strong>the</strong>re-were men (?)<br />

an^ tiieh osh tolash ^^ pasang lag! gage chana chahem katii likemong<br />

brought water fire was kindled more a-little rice was-cooking in <strong>the</strong> pot<br />

si^nghoi sama gop bcsatii ru osh ada '^'' lumam mang sengat<br />

men ^ with strangers assembled near <strong>the</strong>-iwt. <strong>the</strong>y-were men (?) were cold<br />

ga aban katop isi. Ch^ra''® ga eng tanya<br />

little clothing covered <strong>the</strong>ir bodies. When it was daylight (?) a-little I asked<br />

nanu-'^pulu to Gcnta ayo imo lun kliling'**' kita.<br />

one<br />

" Aja<br />

chief ^y country

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