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136<br />


names <strong>in</strong> Reeve's monograph; Krister's descriptions and synonymy, however,<br />

are more copious.<br />


Cyprcea. The monograph of this genus conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Sowerby's ' Thesaurus<br />

Conchylioruni,' parts xxvi.-xxviii., conta<strong>in</strong>s, <strong>in</strong> 58 pages and 31 plates, descriptions<br />

and figures of 187 species, <strong>the</strong> latter of natural size. The genus is<br />

taken hy <strong>the</strong> author <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> old L<strong>in</strong>na?an sense, Trivia be<strong>in</strong>g made a subgenus;<br />

and <strong>the</strong>re are besides seven subdivisions of Cypveea proper and two of Trivia<br />

adopted. Numerous notes, which serve chiefly to po<strong>in</strong>t out <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>in</strong>ction of<br />

closely allied species, are added to <strong>the</strong> descriptions.<br />

It is severely criticised by H. Crosse, J. de Conch, xviii. pp. 254-260,<br />

where also several particulars concern<strong>in</strong>g varieties or monstrosities of known<br />

species will be found.<br />

Cyprcea macandvei, sp. n., Sowerby, Thes. /. c. p. 52, pi. 37. f. 537, 538,<br />

Red Sea, and C. castanea, Higg<strong>in</strong>s, ibid. p. 32, pi. 29. f. 302, 303, Cape of<br />

Good Hope.<br />

Colpodaspis, gen. nov. Mich. Sars describes under this name a shell and<br />

its animal, found <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Christiania fjord at 14-80 fathoms, Bidr. Christian.<br />

Faun. pp. 70-74, pi 11. figs. 1-6, which is probably, accord<strong>in</strong>g to Jeffreys,<br />

<strong>the</strong> young state of Cyprcea europcea, Mont., ibid, footnote p. 73.<br />

Erato. Twenty recent species enumerated by Redfield, Am. J. Conch, vi.<br />

Appendix, pp. 215-219.<br />

NATICID.S.<br />

Lunatia hei-os (Say). The liv<strong>in</strong>g animal figured, egg-case described, Gould,<br />

Invert. Mass. p. 339.<br />

Colobocephalus, gen. nov. Testa subauriformis, tenuissima, submembranacea,<br />

epidermide <strong>in</strong>conspicua aut nulla; spira parva, sutura profunda; apertura<br />

amplissima, peristomate discont<strong>in</strong>uo; columella flexuosa; operculo<br />

nullo. Animal non omn<strong>in</strong>o <strong>in</strong> testam recondendum; velo capitis s<strong>in</strong>uato<br />

siu-sum revoluto; tentaculis nullis; oculis 2 sessilibus <strong>in</strong> cervice, pede pedicellato,<br />

solea magna, oblonga, postice truncata, subtus sulco longitudiuali<br />

medio; pallio supra testam non revoluto.—C. costellatus, sp. n., Sars, Bidr.<br />

Christian. Faun. pp. 54-57, pi. 11. figs. 7-14, Drobak and Vallo, near Christiania,<br />

200-230 fathoms. The author compares it with <strong>the</strong> Bul/idee; Jeffreys<br />

th<strong>in</strong>ks it allied to Balius smithii (Brown) = Natica apcrta, Loven, ibid,<br />

footnote.<br />


SoLARIIDiE.<br />

Solarium architee, Costa, dist<strong>in</strong>ct from S. fallaciosum, Tihen,=slvamiiu'iaii<br />

Philippi, Jeffreys, Ann. N. II. (4) vi. p. 458.<br />

Architea, gen. nov. Testa turb<strong>in</strong>ata, parum elevata, <strong>in</strong>fra late et prof undo<br />

umbilicata; apertura rotundata, peristomate cont<strong>in</strong>uo, simplice. Operculum<br />

corneum, pellucidum, spirale, extus planum, <strong>in</strong>tus spira ad cenlrum parum<br />

prom<strong>in</strong>ula.—A. catenulata, sp. n., Naples, Costa, Ann. Mus. Nap. iii. 1800,<br />

with figures.<br />



Pyramidella Iceviuscu/a, S. AYood, = p/icosa, Broun, which has priority,

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