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BAUDI (B. E. Z. xiv. p. 77) refers to a var. from Asia M<strong>in</strong>or of Pentodon<br />

monodon (F.), provisionally named xyphias by Truqui.<br />

LUCAS (Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 4« ser. x. Bud. p. xii) remarks generally on<br />

Megalosoma, and records <strong>the</strong> pupae of both sexes of M. adeem (L.), from<br />

Cayenne.<br />

New species:—<br />

Cyclocephala longiceps, Kirsch, B. E. Z. xiv. p. 370, and C. munda, Kirsch,<br />

I. c. p. 371, Bogota; C. marg<strong>in</strong>alis, Kirsch, I. e. p. 372, Sta. Cathar<strong>in</strong>a, Brazil.<br />

Stenocrates leevicollis, Kirsch, I. c. p. 373, Bogota.<br />

Corynoscelis Ardens, Taschenb. Z. ges. Naturw. 1870, Bd. i. p. 185, Ecuador.<br />

Heterogomphus 6-dentatus, Taschenb. I e. p. 186, Bogota.<br />

Pentodon dispar, Baudi, I. c. p. 76, Cyprus ( —puncticollis, Burm, sec. typ,<br />

accord<strong>in</strong>g to Reiche: Kraatz, ibid. note).<br />

Cetoniades.<br />

DESBROCHERS DES LOGES (B. E. Z. xiv. Beih. p. 119) describes, under<br />

<strong>the</strong> name raffrayi, an Andalusian var. of Cetonia oblonga, Gory, and (L'Ab.<br />

vii. p. 98) redescribes his own Cetonia subpilosa.<br />

BAUDI (B. E. Z. xiv. p. 78) briefly describes vars. from Cyprus of C.fioricola,<br />

Hbst.<br />

Euryomia melancholica (G. & P.) is figured, and recorded as damag<strong>in</strong>g<br />

pear-blossoms <strong>in</strong> Ill<strong>in</strong>ois, Amer. Ent. i. p. 32, f. 23.<br />

Cremastochilus armatus (Walk.) = angularis (Lee) : Lee, Ann. N. H. ser. 4,<br />

vi. p. 400.<br />

Neophcedimus [rectius Neopheedimus], g. n, Lucas, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 4 e<br />

ser., Bull. p. lxxx. Near Mycteristes, Cast, and Pheedimus, Westw.; differ<strong>in</strong>g<br />

from <strong>the</strong> former <strong>in</strong> its much larger, more elongate, and anteriorly<br />

bicornute frontal development, much more pronounced sternal tubercle, and<br />

shorter and stouter anterior legs; and from <strong>the</strong> latter, apart from <strong>the</strong> above<br />

mentioned frontal peculiarities, <strong>in</strong> its sp<strong>in</strong>iform thoracic prolongation, which<br />

is situated beh<strong>in</strong>d <strong>the</strong> ant. border. Sp. N. auzouxii, sp. n, Luc. ibid. p. Ixxxi,<br />

Se-Tehuen.<br />

Gymnetis lutulenta, sp. n, Kirsch, B. E. Z. xiv. p. 374, Bogota.<br />


E. SAUNDERS (Cat. of spp. cont. <strong>in</strong> Buprestis, L<strong>in</strong>n. &c.) gives<br />

a list of <strong>the</strong> species conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> genus Buprestis of L<strong>in</strong>naeus<br />

previous to its subdivision by Eschscholtz <strong>in</strong> 1829, referr<strong>in</strong>g each<br />

to its present genus. Somewhat orig<strong>in</strong>al views on <strong>the</strong> laws of<br />

nomenclature are <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> preface.<br />

The author makes <strong>the</strong> foUow<strong>in</strong>g changes:—Julodis tomentosa (Hbst. nee<br />

01.) to herbstii; Chrysaspis aurata (F. nee Pall.) to chrysipennis; C. elonyata<br />

(01. nee Hbst.) to elongaluta [sic]; Psiloptera variolosa (F. nee Panz.) to b<strong>in</strong>om<strong>in</strong>ata;<br />

P. morbillosa (01. pi. iv. nee pi. viii.) to olivieri; Acmceoder a polita (Kl.<br />

nee Say) to klugii; Sphenoptera polita (Thunb. nee Say) to thunbergi; Conognatha<br />

trifasciata (F. nee Thunb.) to fasciolata; Melybeus ceneicollis (Villers<br />

nee Deg.) to villersii; Agelia limbata (Wiedm. nee Don.) to wiedmunni; Stenogaster<br />

plana (F. nee 01.) to planula; Agrilm leucostictus (Kl. nee Kby.) to

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