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than the physical planes. It was too much work<br />

to stay present in the body that was performing<br />

the act when my mind was out chasing phantom<br />

scraps of other realities. Besides, the room was<br />

always melting on me. I much preferred to be<br />

outdoors walking in that state.”—Libby<br />

Infamous LSD proponent Timothy Leary labeled acid “the<br />

most powerful aphrodisiac ever discovered.” 6 But this isn’t<br />

the universal view concerning psychedelics and sex by<br />

any means. The Blue Honey website says: “To determine<br />

whether psychedelic plants are, indeed, aphrodisiacs, we<br />

must first determine what we mean by an aphrodisiac. If we<br />

mean that the drugs specifically excite the sexual organs,<br />

then psychedelics are not aphrodisiacs. If we mean that<br />

they produce or encourage sexual desire, again they are not<br />

aphrodisiacs. But if we mean that the drugs can profoundly<br />

enhance the quality of sexual acts that occur between people<br />

who would, in any case, have had intercourse, then the drugs<br />

are aphrodisiacs, and my only objection to the term in this<br />

context is that it will continue to be misused by psychedelic<br />

or sexual extremists.” 7<br />

So what we’re seeing is the police<br />

asserting both that LSD destroys the<br />

sex drive yet simultaneously turns<br />

users into sex-mad maniacs.<br />

For this writer, there once was a time when I felt like Libby,<br />

quoted above. I clearly remember saying to someone during<br />

a conversation—just nineteen and living in Paris, where I sold<br />

and ate a lot of LSD—that I did not enjoy sex while I was tripping<br />

on LSD, that I was usually too distracted and involved in<br />

the visions and deep thoughts to spend much time concentrating<br />

on my sexual partner. I went so far as to insist that I’d<br />

“never” enjoy sex during an LSD trip.<br />

But then came that one special night a few years later in Tampa,<br />

Florida, when my partner (at the time) and I melted into<br />

one another during a particularly heavy yet easygoing trip. I<br />

experienced perceptions and feelings I never imagined possible,<br />

a meeting between her and myself on the very deepest<br />

levels, a melding together as one person, with moments<br />

of telepathic communication and multiple, simultaneous<br />

orgasms during hour upon hour of incredible, literally magical<br />

sex. Ever since that night I have always found sex while<br />

high on certain psychedelics to be extremely enjoyable; substances<br />

such as LSD and mushrooms add a special level to<br />

lovemaking, leading me to some of the most profound mental<br />

revelations I’ve ever experienced, as well as some of the<br />

most intense physical sensations I’ve ever felt during sex or<br />

otherwise.<br />

P.G. Stafford and B.H. Golightly—discussing the linking by<br />

fearmongering politicians and police of LSD use and violence,<br />

helped along by a new generation of yellow journalists and the<br />

rags that published their outrageous anti-drug screeds—note<br />

that fears of violent trippers weren’t the only worries manipulated<br />

to frighten middle America into supporting the latest<br />

drug prohibitions and subsequent war upon users of LSD and<br />

other psychedelics. “Others were quick to link LSD to sex.<br />

Thus The Confidential Flash asserted in a full-page headline,<br />

‘LSD Kills Sex Drive Forever’ although the story itself in no<br />

way bore out this claim. And, interestingly enough, the Police<br />

Gazette, in its August, 1966 issue, reprinted an article from<br />

The Journal of the American Medical Association which they<br />

retitled ‘LSD and Sex Madness.’” 8 So what we’re seeing is<br />

the police, and others who depend upon the War for their<br />

livelihood, asserting both that LSD destroys the sex drive yet<br />

simultaneously turns users into sex-mad maniacs—yet another<br />

example of prohibitionist schizophrenia.<br />

Oddly enough, these anti-drug zealots may have a valid point<br />

tying psychedelic drug use to sexual escapades, even if they<br />

can’t keep their scare stories straight and their facts are often,<br />

if not usually, skewed or just flat-out wrong. In<br />

this case, they’ve gotten things entirely backwards,<br />

if their own religion’s roots are any indication.<br />

There is strong evidence that even the<br />

most important Christian holy day, or at least<br />

its pagan predecessor, was once marked with<br />

the use of strong psychedelic plants during sexual festivities.<br />

“The celebration we know as Easter dates back long before<br />

the time of Christ, and has its origins in traditions that involved<br />

ritualized sex and consumption of a wide variety of potent<br />

psychedelics and aphrodisiacs, including marijuana,” writes<br />

Reverend Damuzi. 9 For any fundamentalist Christian who<br />

sides with the prohibitionistic moralists in calling for stricter<br />

controls of both sex and drugs, the idea that Easter stems<br />

from an ancient pagan event celebrated with debauched orgies<br />

involving the taking of heavily hallucinogenic substances<br />

while having sex with all sorts of unmarried people must be<br />

particularly galling. But it just goes to show that people have<br />

been mixing sex and psychedelics for far longer than Christianity<br />

itself has been on the planet, which leads some to suspect<br />

there may be something to the idea that we are meant<br />

to be mixing the two, or at least that there’s nothing sinful or<br />

unnatural about doing so.<br />

“It was MDA (the love drug) back in the 1970s and<br />

later MDMA. (Both precursors of today’s XTC, which<br />

I haven’t tried yet because I haven’t found anyone<br />

who could promise me what they could get was<br />

real XTC.) If my date agreed to party with me on<br />


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