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Here is a good example of what can transpire in the course of<br />

a few biblical words. You scan the line, scan it again, and say<br />

to yourself: In place of the angels, did Lot just offer the crowd<br />

his virgin daughters to do with what they will? I mean, being<br />

a good host is nice and all, but that seems a bit extreme. The<br />

mind reels—not unproductively—at what would befall the innocents<br />

if they were cast to the awaiting wolves.<br />

Thankfully, the angels intervene. They pull Lot back into the<br />

house and blind the Sodomites pressing against the door.<br />

Then they facilitate Lot’s exit, with wife and daughters in<br />

tow, but, in their flight across the plain, Lot’s wife makes the<br />

mortal mistake of looking back (like many of us toward old<br />

relationships) and is turned into a pillar of salt.<br />

Yet the saga of Lot and his daughters is not over. Having fled<br />

to the town of Zoar, he eventually becomes afraid and moves<br />

himself and his daughters to the mountains. Apparently it<br />

was a little underpopulated up there, and his<br />

daughters begin to despair of ever getting<br />

nookie. The older says to the younger, “Our<br />

father is old, and there is not a man in the earth<br />

to come in unto us after the manner of all the<br />

earth. Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie<br />

with him, that we may preserve the seed of the father.”<br />

Ah, the old Get Dad Drunk and Have Him Impregnate Us<br />

trick—pretty sneaky, Sis! So on consecutive nights the<br />

daughters get Lot schnookered and go lie with him (again,<br />

a nice euphemism, though not as good as “come in unto”).<br />

Lot, the sod, doesn’t seem to notice either time. Eventually<br />

each of his daughters gives birth to a son.<br />

Now, mind you, all this has happened in the first 20 pages of<br />

the Bible (at least in my edition). This is some kind of book.<br />

By comparison, the first 20 pages of a Best American Erotica<br />

contain nowhere near as much sex and a fraction of the scandal.<br />

True, conventional erotica tends to have more adjectiveheavy<br />

descriptions of sex than one finds in the Holy Book (the<br />

Song of Solomon is the exception, as we will see), but for<br />

sheer quantity of nudge nudge, the Bible is up there.<br />

By and large, the Old Testament is a very weird document,<br />

full of bizarre and rather unsavory tidbits that the New Testament<br />

tried to smooth over. Even God himself had to be rendered<br />

kinder and gentler the second time around, for in the<br />

Hebrew books he was forever casting plagues and famines<br />

down on the people and insisting on himself as a “consuming<br />

fire” and a “jealous God.” In Isaiah 3, for example, the<br />

“haughty” daughters of Zion, with their “wanton eyes, walking<br />

and mincing as they go and making a tinkling with their<br />

feet,” will be smote down by the l o r d, and he will discover<br />

their “secret parts.” Ooh. Best take off those bangles before<br />

it’s too late.<br />

But my favorite Old Testament oddity occurs in Deuteronomy<br />

23, where, in a list of all those who will not be making it to<br />

Heaven, it is written: “He that is wounded in the stones, or<br />

hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation<br />

of the Lord.” Rum thing: not only do you have to go<br />

through this life without the priviest of privies, but the gates<br />

of Paradise are closed to you, to boot (and the fact that you<br />

can sing a decent falsetto is pretty minor recompense). Yet<br />

the intrigue of this passage doesn’t end there: Why, in fact,<br />

are the memberless or the crushed-testicled not welcome in<br />

the New Jerusalem? Interesting question. There are numerous<br />

medieval theological debates about whether angels eat<br />

and drink, piss and shit (and where it would go if they do), but<br />

I’ve never heard anyone ask if they screw. Yet here, perhaps,<br />

Why, in fact, are the memberless or<br />

the crushed-testicled not welcome in<br />

the New Jerusalem?<br />

is evidence that the celestial nightclub serves up more than<br />

just juice and cookies.<br />

Perhaps this is not the venue to reinscribe us in thirteenthcentury<br />

scholastic arguments, but the point is still intriguing:<br />

If it was just sex the elect were after, the penis would be<br />

enough. But if the balls are also necessary, this suggests a<br />

certain import to the male ejaculate as well. To my mind, this<br />

complicates Aquinas’ notion that the postprandial material<br />

discharge of angels is only a vapor (but not a flatulence, mind<br />

you); for even if we agree that angel excretion is but gas,<br />

what are we to do with angel jizz? Aquinas would probably<br />

have described it as some kind of noumenal hand lotion.<br />

Even in the briefest introductions to sex in the Old Testament,<br />

no account can ignore one of the most erotic, exquisite texts<br />

not just in the Bible, but in the whole history of Western literature:<br />

the Song of Solomon. In all the reams of Biblical interpretation,<br />

this is the text that has received the most treatment.<br />

The reasons are twofold: The Song of Solomon is sufficiently<br />

explicit to be embarrassing to the anti-sensuality of the later<br />

Christian church, and thus required extensive backpedaling.<br />

This is the obvious, confessed reason so many monks spilled<br />

their ink on its pages. The other, only slightly less obvious, is<br />

that it is very fun to read and decidedly arousing, especially if<br />

the only other thing you’re reading is Samuel and Jeremiah’s<br />

accounts of the punishments visited upon the wicked.<br />

In effect, the Song of Solomon is generally agreed to be a dialogue<br />

between two lovers (although I, for one, detect more<br />


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