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literally don’t feel my body anymore. Before I gave birth, every<br />

bump and bruise would send me to the chiropractor. Now<br />

I was sure my back was screwed up from hunching while<br />

nursing and carrying car seats and strollers, but I didn’t even<br />

notice. My body was no longer mine.<br />

I knew that no one has sex for months after having a baby<br />

(except teenagers, my doctor told me). I knew most of my<br />

mommy friends weren’t having sex. Felix demanded my attention<br />

day and night. So why was I still obsessing over it? I<br />

had used sex to fill every possible hole in my life up until the<br />

day I gave birth (actually, even on the day I gave birth—I gave<br />

Ken a blowjob right before we left to go to the hospital). Now<br />

I didn’t have any room left; I was full of Felix. The constant<br />

motion of early motherhood actually decreased my neuroses.<br />

I didn’t have the time to worry myself sick by cataloguing my<br />

humiliations. I was doing something important: keeping this<br />

tiny human alive with milk from my breasts. My body was doing<br />

what it was meant to do. I didn’t need an orgasm to slam<br />

me out of myself.<br />

Still, I missed my husband. One night in bed, I said, “I think<br />

you need a nonsexual tour of the region, so that when we do<br />

have sex again, you know what you’re getting into. Literally.” I<br />

spread my legs and directed the reading light between them.<br />

I opened my sex with my fingers and showed Ken the ridge of<br />

scar tissue that stretched diagonally from the<br />

right side of my vagina to the left side of my<br />

anus. I took his hand so he could feel the area<br />

just inside the right wall of my vagina. “This<br />

still hurts. That great move you have will have to wait.”<br />

He was tentative. “I saw a baby come out of there, “ he said.<br />

“It’s not for fun anymore.”<br />

softer. I was glad that I wasn’t the only one who was out of<br />

shape. I had forgotten that just the feeling of his cock in my<br />

hand could turn me on.<br />

He put his hand on me, opened me, found the wetness inside,<br />

rubbed my clitoris until I told him to fuck me. He put on a<br />

condom and entered me gently, missionary position. I would<br />

have preferred the heat of his penis, but there was no way I<br />

was going to have sex without birth control. I kept asking him<br />

to look at me. I wanted not to be invisible.<br />

It was a little uncomfortable, but not the body-wracking pain<br />

that I expected. I relaxed into the pleasure of being fucked.<br />

After awhile he came, looking in my eyes, then lay next to me<br />

and used his hand to get me off.<br />

Afterward, I asked the million-dollar question. “Does it feel<br />

different inside?”<br />

“Not really...maybe a little.... To tell you the truth, it’s been<br />

so long....”<br />

We laughed. I realized I missed the afterwards as much as<br />

the sex: the hormone high, the smell.<br />

After that night, we had sex every week or two for a few<br />

months. Then it dwindled away again. Felix grew. He needed<br />

more; I had less. Our romantic little family was actually<br />

“I saw a baby come out of there,“<br />

he said. “It’s not for fun anymore.”<br />

a small corporation. We were really tired. Familiarity breeds<br />

contempt. Resentment builds upon resentment. We lost our<br />

humor.<br />

It was understandable that I didn’t want to have sex, but<br />

wasn’t he supposed to? My mommy friends were starting<br />

to complain about their husbands’ libidos. Gisele told me she<br />

kept Ernesto happy by giving him a blowjob every three days.<br />

I knew that Ken was as busy as I was, as tired and cranky, and<br />

in shock at being a father and responsible for our little family.<br />

But I hated feeling so undesirable. I hated that even talking<br />

about sex was suddenly uncomfortable.<br />

Seven months after Felix was born, the three of us came home<br />

from an afternoon walk. With Felix still asleep in his stroller,<br />

I said, “How about we take a chance he’ll stay asleep?” We<br />

were both tentative. Ken undressed and got into bed while I<br />

went to the bathroom. I didn’t want him to see my body, so I<br />

took off my jeans and socks, then got into bed and slipped off<br />

my underwear, T-shirt, and bra. We didn’t look at each other,<br />

just hugged hard and tight for a long time, then loosened up<br />

and kissed. I took his ass in my hands and noticed it was<br />

I love my son more than I love my husband. I didn’t come to<br />

this realization; it was just there one day, and it always had<br />

been there, from the day Felix was born. I know Felix’s body<br />

better than I know my own. Right now, his ear is exactly as<br />

long as my middle finger from knuckle to tip. He has a patch<br />

of dry skin on his left shin. His fingers still splay like starfish,<br />

hot against my skin. I lean in too close; I want to get a whiff<br />

of his breath. When I read him a book, I surreptitiously press<br />

my lips to his hair over and over, very lightly so he won’t notice<br />

and bat my hand away. He knows I’m too into him. When<br />

I feed him, he pushes my face away. He wants the breast<br />

and the milk, not the mother. I’m terrified he’ll grow up to be<br />

one of those boys in high school who only look at women’s<br />

breasts, not their faces. I worry that I will be jealous of his<br />

girlfriends. I never thought I’d be the type to try to create a<br />

mama’s boy, but I have a weak character.<br />

Sometimes I’m afraid I go too far. I linger a little too long<br />


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