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eing, a teacher of men and gods.”<br />

The king, determined to make the first prediction of Asita<br />

come true, lavished care and attention on his son. He was<br />

raised by a host of doting wet nurses and nannies, and when<br />

he grew older, nothing was denied him. Gotama used only the<br />

sweetest-smelling incense and wore the finest, most costly<br />

cloth; day and night a canopy shielded him from heat, cold,<br />

wind, and dust; he had three magnifi cent residences, one each<br />

for summer, winter, and the rainy season; the choicest delicacies<br />

graced his table; he was serenaded from morning to night<br />

by court musicians; and servants were always on hand to cater<br />

to his every need.<br />

Gotama grew into an extraordinarily handsome prince with all<br />

the marks of a world conqueror: 5 He was well built and agile,<br />

with cool, smooth skin; he had golden hair (in some accounts),<br />

intense black (or dark blue) eyes, perfectly symmetrical<br />

features, a lustrous complexion, and a<br />

voice of the purest tones. His well-formed sex<br />

organs were “enclosed in a sheath,” so that they<br />

were hidden from view even when he was naked.<br />

(That unusual characteristic explains why<br />

most statues of Gotama do not show even a hint of his private<br />

parts.) 6<br />

In order to further bind the prince to worldly life, the king decided<br />

to find him a chief consort and devised the following<br />

plan to secure the best bride for the finicky Gotama: “I’ll have<br />

heaps of jewelry made for the prince to distribute as gifts to all<br />

the eligible maidens of the land and instruct my aides to carefully<br />

observe which of the girls catches the eye of my son.” 7<br />

On the appointed day, however, the girls gathered at the palace<br />

merely swooned in the presence of the dashing prince,<br />

and Gotama did not appear to be interested in any of them.<br />

Suddenly, though, at the very end of the reception, a stunning<br />

beauty appeared with a huge entourage in tow. The lovely<br />

maiden walked up to the prince without hesitation, looked<br />

him directly in the eyes, and asked for her present.<br />

“I am sorry,” the prince said as he gazed back, “the jewelry is all<br />

gone. You should have come sooner.”<br />

“Why didn’t you save something for me?” she asked in a hurt<br />

voice.<br />

“Here, you can have my ring. Or how about my necklace?”<br />

“No, thank you,” said the girl petulantly, and she turned away<br />

as Gotama watched in rapt attention. (In another version, the<br />

girl took the necklace but added with a coy smile, “Is this all I<br />

am worth?”) 8<br />

A full report of the encounter between Gotama and the girl,<br />

whose name was Yaśodharā (or Gopā in some accounts), was<br />

given to the king. When he was told how their eyes met and<br />

of Gotama’s obvious fascination with the elegant maiden, the<br />

king immediately sent a messenger to Yaśodharā’s father to<br />

ask for her hand on behalf of the prince. To his chagrin, the<br />

king was rebuffed: “I will consent to give my beloved daughter<br />

only to the young man who can prove he is superior to all the<br />

others.”<br />

An assembly of all the young men in the kingdom was quickly<br />

arranged, and Gotama squared off against the others in contests<br />

of writing, arithmetic, archery, swordsmanship, horse-riding,<br />

and boxing. Gotama emerged victorious in all the events<br />

and claimed his willing prize. They were married in a magnificent<br />

ceremony, and court poets sang that the fair Yaśodharā<br />

afforded the prince every sort of pleasure as they spent themselves<br />

in nuptial bliss—a delightful union of the choicest butter<br />

and the finest ghee. 9<br />

His well-formed sex organs were<br />

“enclosed in a sheath,” so that they<br />

were hidden from view even when<br />

he was naked.<br />

Yaśodharā was an independent sort, refusing to don a veil in<br />

the presence of her in-laws, the king and queen, and, more<br />

scan dalously, in front of the other men of the household.<br />

When criti cized for such behavior, Yaśodharā replied, “A noble<br />

woman, one who guards the mind and controls the senses,<br />

will be properly veiled even if she happens to be naked—one<br />

cannot cover up sins with a pile of robes and a veil.” 10<br />

As was the custom in those times, Gotama apparently had several<br />

other official wives 11 —one for each of his palaces?—and<br />

his court ship with the one known as Gotamī is also classic romance.<br />

12<br />

The beauty Gotamī was desired by hundreds of suitors, but<br />

the girl, just as independent as Yaśodharā, steadfastly rejected<br />

all offers of an arranged match, even with the king’s son, and<br />

insisted on making her own choice. “Let it be known that in<br />

one week I will select a husband. Have all the eligible men<br />

gather in the palace.”<br />

On the morning of the seventh day, Gotamī bathed in scented<br />

oil, decorated herself with the prettiest of flowers, put on<br />

her finest jewelry and robes, and made her way to the palace<br />

with her mother and several other attendants along to act<br />

as advisors. Surveying the crowd of dandies dressed to the<br />

teeth in fabulous garments and elaborate coiffures, weighted<br />

down with jewelry and reeking of perfume, Gotamī exclaimed<br />

with disgust, “These fops all look like women! They are more<br />

dressed up than I am!”<br />

“Isn’t there anyone here who catches your fancy?” her mother<br />

asked.<br />


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