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paid money to a pet shop, or they may have paid for the<br />

vet’s bills, and stuff like that, but the question of ownership—it’s<br />

still the animal’s body, it’s the animal’s right to<br />

decide for him or herself.<br />

Bill: I’m picturing people reading this, going, “Well, how does<br />

he know the owner wanted the dog to do this? They must<br />

have thought it was weird.”<br />

Clive: It doesn’t come into it. If the dog wants it, then they’re<br />

really happy.<br />

Bill: Right. It’s using them as a sex toy. Which isn’t very understanding<br />

of the animal’s feelings or preferences. That sort<br />

of goes along with young people being trained to be prostitutes,<br />

and what goes on in Third World countries. But I’m<br />

sure here as well, occasionally, at least.<br />

When I was about fourteen, I remember reading the “Happy<br />

Hooker” series of books [by Xaviera Hollander]. There was<br />

this one great story where she was sort of cooped up in<br />

South Africa with, I think, her sister and her brother-in-law.<br />

She was going kind of stir-crazy in this huge, fabulous mansion<br />

with nothing going on, and eventually she and this German<br />

Shepherd, I think—the pet—got together—<br />

Bill: I notice, as I’m getting more information about this, that<br />

some people differentiate between “bestialist” and “zoophile.”<br />

Do you differentiate, and if so, what does that mean?<br />

Clive: It’s funny. I guess I started recognizing the definition,<br />

the more people I’ve come across. Basically, “bestialists”—they’re<br />

the people who are described a lot—I’ve<br />

never heard any describe themselves as this, but they<br />

basically want to fuck animals and use them as sex toys.<br />

A dog is, basically, a big, portable dick. Or a bitch is a willing<br />

hole that you can stuff something into. And that is totally<br />

uncool. And a “zoophile” is somebody who really—I<br />

hope—does what I do, which is to open themselves up<br />

on many different levels. As if they were having sex with<br />

or making love with a person. I don’t really know about<br />

the two different terms, personally. I guess it exists—I<br />

hope there aren’t bestialists out there, though. The presence<br />

of “sex puppies,” as I think they’re called, kind of<br />

suggests that, but who knows?<br />

Bill: How would someone physically train a<br />

dog to do that? I can’t even imagine.<br />

Clive: It’s always German Shepherds. [Bill laughs.]<br />

Bill: Are they easy? [More laughter.] Are they the right size?<br />

Clive: Yeah, they’re the right size; they’re amenable;<br />

they’re—<br />

Bill: So they’re easy!<br />

Clive: —intelligent...yes. Although Great Danes are easier.<br />

Bill: Oh, my!<br />

Clive: I often wonder about the number of Great Danes on<br />

the Castro and think, “Hmmm.” [Laughter.] Yes, you<br />

were saying—<br />

Clive: It’s always German Shepherds.<br />

Bill: Are they easy?<br />

Clive: Well—the stuff I’ve heard is only hearsay, so I really<br />

shouldn’t comment, But—it’s stuff like, um, training<br />

them to have a sexual response at a very early age, and<br />

to give them sexual responses to certain stimuli, such as<br />

food. Things like that.<br />

Bill: So you’d reward them for sexual acts.<br />

Clive: Yeah. It’s like training a dog. Certain types of training<br />

are important, because, for example, certain types of<br />

dogs are very jittery, highly strung. What you do is, you<br />

train a dog to give it a sense of, there is some kind of order<br />

in their world. And actually that does give them a lot<br />

of trust in their surroundings. But training them for sex is<br />

a trust kind of gone wrong, basically.<br />

Bill: I’m turning red now. Anyway. It was a really good story.<br />

She talked about having sex with this dog, this really amazing<br />

experience, and I got the impression that she didn’t necessarily<br />

pursue that in her sex life, but it was this affair of convenience,<br />

and at the time it served her quite well. I don’t know<br />

whether you would define someone like that as a bestialist or<br />

a zoophile! But it seems like she got what she wanted, the<br />

animal got what it wanted and seemed to be very turned on<br />

by her. I thought that was great! It was the first time I was<br />

really aware someone could have sex with an animal, and I<br />

thought, “Well, isn’t that nice!” [Laughter.]<br />

Clive: Oh, wow. Not having read any of those books, actually,<br />

I can’t say whether she was a bestialist or a zoophile. I<br />

think labels are things that you pretty much discard once<br />

you feel comfortable with what you’re doing. I think labels<br />

in this case are really more restrictive than defining,<br />

so I try not to use the term. I’m just somebody who loves<br />

animals. And I’ve been doing it for a long, long time.<br />

This interview was conducted on November 2, 1996.<br />


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