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lives in bizarre/creative/creepy ways. For instance, I met a<br />

guy in my travels who has a major foot fetish. He regularly<br />

visits the local Foot Worship Palace, where he pays women<br />

to let him massage, kiss, and suck on their feet. In his day<br />

job, he’s a shoe salesman in a chichi shoe store, where he<br />

gets to slip a variety of expensive shoes onto the feet of<br />

unsuspecting rich ladies, while also fulfilling his desire to<br />

touch and serve women’s feet.<br />

Another important thing that I learned about fetishes through<br />

my research and chats with sexual deviants is that doing a<br />

scene or performing a ritual with their object of affection is<br />

basically an alternative to a sexual act involving genitalia. I<br />

knew that this would be the most difficult thing for me, because<br />

I have difficulty understanding the purpose of a sexual<br />

act that doesn’t result in orgasm or involve my girl parts.<br />

After much research and soulsearching,<br />

I narrowed my fetish<br />

options to three final contenders:<br />

sneezing, amputees, and guns.<br />

with the potential that guns offer. The fact that I’ve been<br />

trained to fear and despise guns and all they stand for (via<br />

hippie parents) makes them taboo—and sexy. And because<br />

they are often seen as phallic symbols, they are objects that<br />

I could work with (though I guess amputee limbs could work<br />

similarly)—guns could be good for sucking and fucking. But<br />

this brings me back to the original problem I have with fetishes—in<br />

adopting a gun fetish, I would be thinking up ways to<br />

get off, but really I should be thinking solely of the illustrious<br />

beauty and danger of the object itself.<br />

I tried really hard to think sexy thoughts about sneezes, amputees,<br />

and guns. I was definitely able to get closest to sexy<br />

while thinking about guns, but then it rapidly became ridiculous<br />

when I realized that I was trying too hard to think sexy<br />

thoughts, when I could be looking at pictures<br />

of naked people and get there much more easily.<br />

Sum conclusion: I’m much better at objectifying<br />

people than objects.<br />

After much research and soul-searching, I narrowed my fetish<br />

options to three final contenders: sneezing, amputees,<br />

and guns.<br />

Getting my jollies from watching people sneeze would be a<br />

low-budget alternative to other fetishes that require elaborate<br />

outfits made of expensive fabrics. Also, it could be fulfilled in<br />

simple yet strange ways—for instance, by spending lots of<br />

time on New York City public transit, where I could vocally<br />

urge on a sneezer and hope that he or she is perhaps a serial<br />

sneezer, with each sneeze bringing me closer to ecstasy.<br />

Amputees, though less accessible and less common than<br />

sneezers, are also somewhat publicly available, especially as<br />

pictures of young, strapping, crippled troops returning from<br />

Iraq are increasingly published in news outlets. Wartime is an<br />

amputee fetishist’s dream come true. The creepiness of this<br />

is obvious, because especially with vets, I’d be fetishizing the<br />

sacrifices people have made for the good ole US of A.<br />

I think I’ve been able to approximate the fetish mindset best<br />

The problem, as I suspected, is that my fetish is orgasm, only<br />

that isn’t really a legit fetish. I tried hard to fit into the deviant<br />

pattern, because I knew that if I only had a fetish, I’d be embraced<br />

by deviants everywhere, and they’d be able to identify<br />

with me and trust me as one of their own. But I guess I have<br />

to accept that I’ve got a mediocre sexuality and a deviant lust<br />

for knowledge.<br />

So my answer to, “What’s your fetish?” I don’t respond. I<br />

do the shifty-eyes thing, or if I’m feeling particularly witty,<br />

I declare, “I like fucking!” But it’s the next assumption that<br />

still raises my hackles and inspires the urge for one-upmanship—the<br />

dismissive reaction, “Oh, you’re vanilla.” Being<br />

called vanilla, a norm, a member of the ignorant masses,<br />

makes me angry, and my ornery nature is what started all this<br />

fetish nonsense to begin with. Maybe I just need to do some<br />

more soul-searching until I find my one and only true fetish. I<br />

mean, seriously, how do people discover that they get off by<br />

sitting on a cake while wearing a diaper? It must be through<br />

research.<br />


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