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his boss has endearingly, and coarsely, dubbed “Turd Blossom”),<br />

opines that a desire to fight immoral TV and films was<br />

the reason Bush won re‐election. “I think it’s people who are<br />

concerned about the coarseness of our culture, about what<br />

they see on the television sets, what they see in the movies.”<br />

Desperate Housewives’ popularity in the Bush‐friendly states<br />

aside, 3 this has to be the last word. Rove engineered the defamation<br />

of three military heroes as variously mentally unbalanced<br />

(John McCain), unpatriotic (Max Cleland), or dishonest<br />

(John Kerry). 4 Each was running against either a prominent<br />

Republican or Bush himself, whose tour of duty was in a National<br />

Guard office. In any discussion of hypocrisy, and of the<br />

way well-spun, sickening fantasies about political opponents<br />

fuck with the facts on the ground, Rove on indecency is an<br />

obscenity no one can beat.<br />

Having studied the publication, distribution, and prosecution<br />

of pornography in America in the twentieth century, I am<br />

convinced that the very same attitudes and procedures apply<br />

now as did a century ago regarding the red flags, or taboo<br />

signals, that sexual explicitness raises. Regardless of the<br />

groundbreaking changes in obscenity law, there has never<br />

been a sexual revolution in America. A New Deal, yes. Progress<br />

toward social equality, fine. In Bushworld, these are endangered,<br />

while under its watch the following revolutionary<br />

developments have progressed: destruction of safety nets<br />

protecting citizens from loss of job and Social<br />

Security benefits, faith-based initiatives that<br />

would put institutions with a specific religious<br />

raison d’être in charge of medical and educational<br />

public services, militarized police forces,<br />

cynicism about how America has controlled<br />

other nations’ destinies, and the capitulation of professional<br />

journalists to the demands of their employers’ PR offices.<br />

harder to determine the hidden source of the sexually explicit<br />

entertainment. The result is better and better for business.<br />

I<br />

The present generation has witnessed the tolerance of sexual<br />

subcultures as legitimate consumer groups, legalized abortion,<br />

a narrower range of obscenity prosecutions, and different<br />

erotica-distribution methods. Once‐taboo “perversions”<br />

are now the subject of titillation on sitcoms. Also as part of the<br />

mainstreaming of porno into popular culture, fetish costuming<br />

and accessorizing have taken their roles in the drama of high<br />

fashion. One socioeconomist opines that the bear market is<br />

an explanation for the mainstreaming phenomenon, which<br />

has produced lucrative gentlemen’s clubs, ladies’ nights at<br />

the Penthouse Boutique, autobiographies of porn stars, and<br />

Fortune 500 adult-entertainment corporations. 5<br />

But mainstreaming means that what made individual pornographers<br />

wealthy fifty years ago makes a fortune for corporate<br />

sponsors now. Anyone who thinks that 1950s erotica customers<br />

couldn’t have imagined what is available today was<br />

never below the counter in a Times Square adult bookstore.<br />

Those cheaply produced booklets, photo sets, and films allowed<br />

a few porn kings to buy homes in exclusive New York<br />

and Connecticut suburbs. Distributors themselves have<br />

There has never been a revolution<br />

in the prurient ambiguities and<br />

anxieties that sex stimulates in the<br />

American consciousness.<br />

morphed from Jewish middlemen to Mafia lieutenants to upper-middle-class<br />

Internet providers with college degrees.<br />

This President has also embraced ideas geared at initiatives<br />

regarding faith‐based and, thus, abstinence‐only programs<br />

here and abroad. He is “pro‐life,” anti‐abortion, anti‐gay marriage,<br />

anti-adult entertainment. As Attorney General, John<br />

Ashcroft attempted to block any website adjudged indecent<br />

in order to protect young people, even if it meant ignoring<br />

principles established half a century ago stating that adults<br />

cannot be prevented from accessing what might unbalance<br />

the most impressionable members of a community. Yet Bushworld’s<br />

agendas concerning the morality of what people can<br />

do or vicariously experience sexually cannot be called radical.<br />

As I hope this essay shows, there has never been a revolution<br />

in the prurient ambiguities and anxieties that sex stimulates in<br />

the American consciousness. The prurience leads to censorship<br />

or five-second delays in transmission or decency codes.<br />

Any such actions just shift the temporary onus from one<br />

bookseller, one company or medium to another, and make it<br />

There are no more Societies for the Suppression of Vice or<br />

citizens privately deputized to spy and inform on publishers<br />

and booksellers of erotica, but associations dedicated to protecting<br />

the “traditional” (i.e., now nearly obsolete) family unit,<br />

federal obscenity task forces, and anti‐indecency clauses in<br />

NEA grants have taken up the slack. Bush’s Secretary of Education<br />

Margaret Spellings began her reign by attacking a PBS<br />

children’s TV show that, in just one episode, portrayed gay<br />

moms as ordinary folk one’s kids might enjoy meeting. Faced<br />

with a loss of funding, the network voluntarily pulled the episode.<br />

It couldn’t afford to dissent from a “healthy marriage<br />

initiative” which a godly administration has managed to fund<br />

with taxpayer’s money. 6<br />

We are still making the same fantastic distinctions between<br />

acceptable mass entertainment and obscenity as we did<br />

when pin‐ups on magazines were red‐blooded fun but the<br />

same newsstand publications showing cover girls brandishing<br />


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