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some tried foreskin-stretching to restore themselves even<br />

back then. The ancient Greeks and their Hellenistic successors<br />

considered the “ideal” prepuce to be long, tapered, and<br />

well proportioned. Removing it was mutilation. 24<br />

Philo of Alexandria wrote in the first century that circumcision<br />

served to excise “pleasures that bewitch the mind.” He<br />

may have been the first to state that circumcision decreases<br />

sexual sensation, Glick suggests.<br />

The amount of skin amputated<br />

results in the loss of about one-third<br />

or more of the penile shaft skin<br />

system.<br />

Later, in the twelfth century, Moses Maimonides, Jewish physician<br />

and community leader, wrote, with regard to circumcision:<br />

“One of the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to<br />

bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening<br />

of the organ in question.... The fact that circumcision weakens<br />

the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps<br />

diminishes the pleasure in indubitable.” He adds:<br />

The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have<br />

explicitly stated: “it is hard for a woman with whom<br />

an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse<br />

to separate from him.” In my opinion this is the<br />

strongest of the reasons for circumcision....<br />

[B]ecause his foreskin has been removed from him,<br />

and the power of his member has been diminished,<br />

he has no strength to lie with many lewd women.<br />

Women who have had an opportunity to make<br />

comparisons, know quite well the difference<br />

between circumcised and intact lovers. But it’s all<br />

for the best, since Jewish men don’t waste time<br />

and energy trying to satisfy women sexually.<br />

her husband, ashamed and confounded, while the<br />

seed is still in her reservoir. She does not have an<br />

orgasm once a year…. 25<br />

Even if the various health benefits touted by Schoen were<br />

true, and they are hotly debated, medical ethicist Margaret<br />

Somerville writes that that wouldn’t justify circumcision:<br />

A common error made by those who want to<br />

justify infant male circumcision on the basis of<br />

medical benefits is that they believe that as long<br />

as some such benefits are present, circumcision<br />

can be justified as therapeutic, in the<br />

sense of preventive health care. This<br />

is not correct. A medical-benefits or<br />

“therapeutic” justification requires<br />

that overall the medical benefits<br />

should outweigh the risks and harms<br />

of the procedure required to obtain them, that<br />

this procedure is the only reasonable way to<br />

obtain these benefits, and that these benefits are<br />

necessary to the well-being of the child.<br />

None of these conditions is fulfilled for routine<br />

infant male circumcision. If we view a child’s<br />

foreskin as having a valid function, we are no more<br />

justified in amputating it than any other part of<br />

the child’s body unless the operation is medically<br />

required treatment and the least harmful way to<br />

provide that treatment. 27<br />

Somerville said she once accepted circumcision without a<br />

second thought. After studying it, she came to the conclusion<br />

that it is “technically criminal assault.”<br />

“Once you decide that circumcision is not medically necessary,<br />

you take away the therapeutic intent,” she says. “Take<br />

away therapeutic intent, and circumcision becomes an unjustified<br />

wounding.”<br />

Maimonides understood that the foreskin is a highly sensitive<br />

source of sexual pleasure. His words could be slid in between<br />

the comments of the women who responded to O’Hara’s<br />

survey and no one would spot the 800-year gulf between<br />

them. Maimonides wrote:<br />

[W]hen a circumcised man desires the beauty<br />

of a woman, and cleaves to his wife, or another<br />

woman comely in appearance, he will find himself<br />

performing his task quickly, emitting his seed as<br />

soon as he inserts his crown.... He has an orgasm<br />

first.... She has no pleasure from him...and it would<br />

be better for her if he had not known her and not<br />

drawn near to her, for he arouses her passion to<br />

no avail, and she remains in a state of desire for<br />

Dr. Leo Sorger told ObGYN News readers that circumcision,<br />

“removing normal healthy functioning tissue,” violates the<br />

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article<br />

5) and the United Nations Convention of the Rights of<br />

the Child (Article 13).<br />

Northrup: “I am not Jewish, (or Muslim), but I can assure<br />

you that many Jews are rethinking circumcision (I do not<br />

have any information about Muslims). As a matter of fact,<br />

two of the most well-researched and eloquent books on the<br />

harmful nature of circumcision have been written by Jewish<br />

men. I urge you to read Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma by<br />

Ronald Goldman Ph.D. (Vanguard, 1997) and Circumcision:<br />


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