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was lookin’ and enjoying it, I got with them and said, “Yeah,<br />

they like what I’m doing.” I felt goood about it after about—<br />

five minutes. I did what would turn them on, and what turn<br />

me on is their smile and responses. It was great.<br />

How much of your performance is you and your sexuality<br />

and how much is persona? ~ [Laughs.] All of it’s for real.<br />

The only difference is where I’m at. If one of the guys was<br />

onstage, I’d say sure, why not? [Laughs.] It’s nothing fake<br />

about what I do up there sexually, ’cause I’m actually showing<br />

them how I make love—it’s me.<br />

Why did you choose the stage name you use? ~ Because<br />

everybody used to talk about my lips! “God, you got big lips.”<br />

So I said, “Shidd, I’m gonna call myself Lusty Lipps.” My<br />

mom helped me pick out the name. Gotsta have ’em lusty.<br />

[Laughs.]<br />

Do you ever become aroused by what you are doing<br />

and what is happening around you onstage? ~ Shit,<br />

yeah! [Laughs.] Oh, baby—don’t leave. I look at them and<br />

say, “Mmm, hmm.” If their ass attract me, I tell ’em to turn<br />

around. “Shit, let me see what you got.” [Laughs.] Oh, yeah.<br />

Gettin’ hot, it’s nature. Shit, if I didn’t, I think somethin’ be<br />

wrong with me. [Laughs.] Shit, yeah, I likes dat. Men make<br />

me hot. [Laughs.]<br />

What can you do onstage that you can’t do offstage?<br />

~ [Laughs.] Look at the customers and their<br />

dicks. Onstage you can take off your clothes,<br />

open your legs, and say, “Look at this—look<br />

what I got.” You can’t do this out in the street<br />

because it’s the law. If it wasn’t the law, I’m sure everybody’d<br />

be sittin’ there with their legs open, “Hey, look at this, yeah.”<br />

But that’s just the way it is—somethin’ that you have to accept.<br />

I would like to change the goddamn law! [Laughs.]<br />

Many of the dancers who work here say that they prefer<br />

this closed type of stage and see it as safe and fun because<br />

of the absence of physical contact with the customers.<br />

How do you feel? ~ I like this, too, because a lot<br />

of men can get really abusive. If it was open, they could grab<br />

you. With my temper, I’d done knock one of the fuckers out.<br />

[Laughs.] They can touch on the win dow all they want, and I<br />

can touch on the window, too. It’s in their mind—they actually<br />

think they’re touching us, so it makes them feel better.<br />

What is your favorite type of customer? ~ Erotic, exotic,<br />

and X-rated, along with me. One that can show me some motion.<br />

If he’s gonna jack off, jack off right! [Laughs.] Show me<br />

some motion. Someone being there with a smile on his face,<br />

happy, showin’ me some response.<br />

time of day; they couldn’t ask me for SHIT! [Laughs.] There’s<br />

a certain way to ask. I make them say “please,” and then<br />

I think about opening my pussy for ’em. I won’t dance for<br />

people who laugh at the other dancers. Why should I give<br />

them the satisfac tion of dancin’ for ’em when they’re up here<br />

makin’ smart-ass comments about the other dancers? I say,<br />

“No, go dance for yourself and look in the mirror.”<br />

Describe the variety of sexual behavior customers express.<br />

~ Oh, dear. [Laughs.] They bring their little tools and<br />

sexual things, such as dildos. One hand is holding his penis<br />

and the dildo is in the ass, which I think is totally their thing.<br />

It is great they can express themselves like that in front of us.<br />

It’s no problem, doin’ their own thing, like givin’ theirselves<br />

head, and us bein’ there supportin’ them. “Yeah, baby that’s<br />

it!” “Suck that bitch—wish it was mine you were suckin’.”<br />

“You lookin’ good down there.” [Laughs.]<br />

I guess some of them feel the need to wear women’s clothes,<br />

to feel closer. Hey, if that’s yo’ thing, you like it, I love it. I don’t<br />

have nothin’ to say about that. One man likes to smell women<br />

panties, put panties over his head. I say, “Shit, yeah, baby,<br />

that’s cool. I’m glad you did that.” One man sucks the bananas<br />

and smash ’em against the window wit’ his chest, and it<br />

turns him on. He turns me on, too, when he do it. [Laughs.]<br />

So everybody has their little thang. Couples come in and make<br />

love in front of us. She’ll give him head; he’ll suck her—give<br />

With my temper, I’d done knock one<br />

of the fuckers out.<br />

us a show. I like it; I give ’em thumbs up. Shit, not too many<br />

people can express that. I think sex is a beau tiful thing. I think<br />

it’s great that couples are comin’ in. Men get hot off’a us, and<br />

she gets off on us, too, by him touchin’ her. They do their little<br />

business and they get on. Everybody’s happy. They leave and<br />

we sit here—NEXT!<br />

Describe your family and its circumstances as you remember<br />

them during your childhood. ~ I have three sisters,<br />

a brother, and Mom. My dad left early, which was good.<br />

[Laughs.] I knew him for about three years. He really doesn’t<br />

matter. The circumstances of my family were good, as far<br />

as I’m con cerned. Mom was Mom and Dad. She worked,<br />

and my oldest sister took care of me, before school. Mom<br />

worked with newspaper advertising, checking up, squaring<br />

up the newspaper. My mom’s mom was German, and my<br />

grandfa ther is Navajo Indian. Mom’s children are half black, a<br />

quarter German, and a quarter Indian. I don’t know where my<br />

mom and dad met; I was never too interested in askin’.<br />

I won’t dance for the ones that always hollerin’ ’bout, “Open<br />

up your pussy lips,” and all that. I don’t give them nothin’, the<br />

What were you taught about human sexuality by your<br />

mother? ~ Everythang. My mother never hid nothin’—what-<br />


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