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thought of. The very language shows this idea<br />

even at the present time, for a married woman is<br />

called a bride when she becomes pregnant and<br />

gives birth to a child and only then is she called a<br />

wife, and with the word wife is so often associated<br />

the word house that the common name for a<br />

married woman with children is house-wife which<br />

speaks plainly of the connection of home, wife and<br />

children.<br />

When this connection is lost sight of society is in<br />

danger.<br />

Keller will hammer this point home again and again and again<br />

throughout the series. In the next volume, he wrote, even<br />

more forcefully and succinctly: “Happiness is the ultimate desire<br />

of every human being, and, no matter what happens to a<br />

man and a woman, they cannot be happy without children.”<br />

You must reproduce, understand? Breeding is not only your<br />

biological imperative but your duty to your race, God, and the<br />

State. That is what sex is all about. As a man, you are allowed<br />

to have fun while you’re doing it (with your wife only), but<br />

only because that makes you more likely to get it on, which<br />

ups your chances of conceiving.<br />

Keller believed that the federal government<br />

should give money in the form of pensions to<br />

young married couples, in order to encourage<br />

people to get hitched early in life. “The present<br />

social habits render early marriage difficult,<br />

and when a man marries at thirty or thirty-five he has<br />

spent the best years of his life in illicit sex relations, not only<br />

harming himself, but helping to degrade and ruin many young<br />

women, who, had they the chance, might have been happy<br />

mothers and contented housewives.”<br />

Yet pinning down Keller is not an easy task. He constantly<br />

chides male-supremacist attitudes, even while expressing<br />

various forms of them. When he speaks of the raw deal that<br />

prostitutes have gotten through the ages, he says: “It was<br />

simply the ageless habit men had of blaming the woman for<br />

everything bad and taking the credit for everything good.”<br />

Then he turns right around and chillingly refers to the existence<br />

of mixed-race children as a “disgrace” and a “problem.”<br />

In volume two, Sexual Diseases and Abnormalities of Adult<br />

Life, Keller laments that one of the chief causes of unhappiness<br />

is ignorance regarding “sexual hygiene.” Luckily, the<br />

good doctor is here to straighten us out! His info about syphilis<br />

and gonorrhea is pretty straightforward and unremarkable<br />

(and obviously very dated. Luckily, it no longer takes three to<br />

four years of intensive therapy to threat syph). He rails against<br />

abortion, “one of the great disgraces of our modern civilization.”<br />

Then we get to the long chapter on masturbation, and,<br />

boy, is it weird. To his great credit, Keller pooh-poohs the idea<br />

that whacking off leads to insanity or other mental problems.<br />

The deeply conflicted shrink calls the activity “abnormal,”<br />

then immediately discusses its universality among humans<br />

and its appearance among other primates. But the best part<br />

is when he presents the most bizarre yet intriguing theory of<br />

jerking off that has ever assaulted my gray matter. He starts<br />

by noting that the masturbator is fantasizing about getting it<br />

on with another person (of the opposite sex, of course):<br />

In other words, the actual physical body of one<br />

sex has intercourse with a mental body of another<br />

sex, but both of these sexes are contained within<br />

the same body. That body for the time being is<br />

bisexual. During that time, in its combination of a<br />

physical and spiritual duality, it is hermaphrodite.<br />

The ego of that person goes back to a previous<br />

stage of existence where the two sexes existed in<br />

one body and were able to reproduce without the<br />

aid of another animal.<br />

Sure thing, Doc. So what’s the problem with spanking it?<br />

“It must never be forgotten that the<br />

urge in women is for reproduction<br />

and the act of sexual intercourse is<br />

only a means to that end.”<br />

Once the habit is established, a complete cure in<br />

adult life is doubtful. It is a poison as dangerous<br />

and insidious to the soul as opium is. It weakens<br />

the powers of resistance, destroys the best of<br />

the personality and leaves the habitue satisfied<br />

to remain in his world of dreams. In many ways<br />

there is a deadly resemblance between the two<br />

conditions of the opium habit and auto-eroticism.<br />

One can imagine Atlas nodding his beefy head as he reads<br />

the manuscript he eagerly wants to publish.<br />

Keller then tut-tuts those “unfortunates” who are attracted to<br />

the same sex. These “homosexualists” simply cannot achieve<br />

happiness, he argues, because they can’t marry and start a<br />

family, which is the one and only path to contentment.<br />

But there are even worse things, “the dark corners of life.”<br />

The only two that Keller can bring himself to discuss, even to<br />

name, are male prostitution and bestiality. “Others that are<br />

worse are deliberately omitted.”<br />

In the next chapter, Doc looks at some practices that aren’t<br />

strictly abnormal—because they don’t interfere with spawn-<br />


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