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new. I think of those Mummers parades, where everybody<br />

dresses up in outrageous clothes and parades around with<br />

their psyches hanging out. Some people come to the theater<br />

with their psyches hanging out, and it’s won derful.<br />

Describe your adolescent sexuality. ~ I started to calm<br />

down about what my body looked like, a little bit, by the time<br />

I was fourteen or so. I had gone to the library and found out<br />

what fucking was, and decided I wanted to do it. I was up<br />

against the dilemma of the unusual kid: “I’m weird—who’s<br />

going to want to fuck me?” The boys I hung out with were<br />

the oddball boys who were less in control of, less proactive<br />

with their sexuality than the boys on the football team, who<br />

had discovered that they could fuck pretty much any body<br />

they wanted. They didn’t want to fuck me. I was getting<br />

extraordinari ly horny, and I wanted to do something about<br />

this stupid virginity.<br />

I would try masturbating, and I would get up to “T-1 and<br />

counting,” and my hand would freeze. There was so much<br />

physical tension in me that I could not make my hand move<br />

the last four strokes that it would take to get me over to orgasm.<br />

So I was a maniac, like a monkey on a string.<br />

And what I did was have an affair with one of my former<br />

teachers. That helped take care of matters. It took me out of<br />

the social fishbowl of high school, where I wasn’t fitting in<br />

very well, and put me into another realm altogether, an adult<br />

sexual realm, essentially. I don’t suppose it was an adult sexual<br />

realm the first couple of times, but after that, I was having<br />

a relation ship, the way I have relationships now. And it made<br />

a great deal of differ ence. I still wasn’t orgasmic, but at least I<br />

was getting all the other things I wanted from sexuality—the<br />

touching, the attention, the “yes, you’re desir able” stuff, all of<br />

that. And then I got the vibrator and that fixed the rest of it.<br />

After a while it got around that I fucked—that took care of<br />

a multitude of sins, as far as all the boys were concerned.<br />

[Laughs.] But having sex with guys my own age was always<br />

perfectly weird. The level of communication and body knowledge<br />

that I shared with my older lover never got replicated<br />

with people my age, not till I got to college.<br />

Describe your sexual fantasies. ~ Wow. I spend so much<br />

time living so many of them I don’t [laughs] have a real active<br />

fantasy life right now. Actually, I do. My partner and I<br />

play family sex games, brother-sister and other kinds of taboo<br />

sex. I’ve got some strong fantasy charge on that stuff. Maybe<br />

I’m taking my funny business with my dad into a place that’s<br />

entirely safe to have the parts that did get under my skin erotically.<br />

I have a strong fantasy charge on dominant-submissive<br />

energy. I’ve been a bottom for as long as I’ve been in touch<br />

with that, which is ten, twelve years now. I’m just starting to,<br />

in my fantasy life most of all, move into a place where I can<br />

be on top, and that’s a real exciting change for me. I always<br />

knew it would happen, but I never knew when.<br />

When I fantasize I stop at some humans; I’m not will ing to<br />

imagine having sex with either Jesse Helms or Andrea Dworkin.<br />

Currently, my favorite non-human fantasy has to do with<br />

going to Marine World and getting a job as an underwater<br />

mermaid and having the dolphins try to get me when I go in<br />

to feed them after the place closes. I majorly want to have sex<br />

with a dolphin, and I don’t know if I will ever get the chance.<br />

That’s my big quirk fantasy for the moment. They’re so smart,<br />

they must be good lovers, you know.<br />

At what age do you think people should be allowed to<br />

view pictures of human genitalia? ~ Well, they got to be<br />

out of the womb because they can’t see in there. I’m serious.<br />

Maybe on the way out. There should be decora tions on the<br />

walls of the obstetrics ward. People should be able to view<br />

pic tures of human genitalia at every age. People should be<br />

able to view live human genitalia walking past, in the persons<br />

of the brothers, sisters, mommies, and daddies, and when<br />

they go out on weekends to the nude beach. Genitalia should<br />

be no more outrageous to view than ears, and until we get<br />

over that one, we will have certain problems associated with<br />

shame and guilt. And probably a higher level of adrenaline attached<br />

to our titillation around nudity.<br />

What would a sexually positive society look like? ~ One<br />

in which kids weren’t stigmatized and punished for their<br />

sexual feelings and explorations. It would be one in which<br />

gender roles were not strict and behavior by gender category<br />

was unknown. It would be one in which everybody was encouraged<br />

to make sexual pleasure a priority in their lives. It<br />

wouldn’t be assumed that just because you found a partner<br />

that everything would fall into place easily, that sexual pleasure<br />

would have to be something that real compatibility was<br />

found around, and that would be honored. When you bring<br />

your potential spouse home to your mom, Mom wouldn’t<br />

say, “Oh, how nice, dear, how much money does he make?”<br />

but, “Oh, how nice, dear, are you having multi ple orgasms<br />

together?” [Laughs.] That would be healthy.<br />

I think more people would try more kinds of sexual behavior<br />

so there wouldn’t be so clearly defined sexualized groups of<br />

people. Maybe some people would settle in one particular<br />

kind of behavior, but maybe other people would just zoom<br />

up and down the range of things that they could do for their<br />

whole lives. I think there would be less heterosexual monogamous<br />

partnering, perhaps less monoga mous partnering altogether,<br />

that jealously would be much less a problem than it is<br />

now. And for good measure, we might eradicate all sexually<br />

transmitted diseases.<br />

How can we achieve that society? ~ Talk about sex a hell<br />


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