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domasochists running amok and flogging people at random;<br />

there are so many people out there who need to be spanked<br />

that just thinking about it has confined me to my bed with a<br />

restorative cup of cocoa and a double dose of Wellbutrin.<br />

In the wake of the 9/11 attack and passage of the USA Patriot<br />

Act, our elected representatives handed the Justice Department<br />

sweeping new powers of censorship surveillance and<br />

the ability to effectively repeal habeas corpus. Your government<br />

wants to know what you check out at the library and<br />

where you go on the Web. The Feds want to know where<br />

your charitable contributions go, which foreign languages you<br />

speak, how you worship, and where you go if you leave the<br />

country. You’ll probably never know you’ve had your pockets<br />

and your credit report turned inside out by the Powers That<br />

Be, because it’s illegal for anyone who rats you out to tell you<br />

Uncle Sam is looking over your shoulder at ads for piercing<br />

jewelry, VCR head cleaner, and used jock straps. Have you<br />

seen any coverage of the Patriot Act in your local homo bar<br />

rag, perhaps between the ads for gay dentists and lesbian<br />

realtors and the outcall masseurs?<br />

In guidelines issued by the Justice Department, transgendered<br />

people have been singled out for special scrutiny under<br />

the guise of rooting out terrorism. Our ability to change our<br />

legal documents, work, or travel freely was curtailed by an<br />

Attorney General who seemed to think he was the progeny of<br />

Senator Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover. Talk about unsafe<br />

If you hate taking off your shoes at<br />

the airport, think about what they’re<br />

going to want me to take off. I can’t<br />

pay my rent, much less buy a penis.<br />

sex. Throw a blanket over that image, will ya? Is there a doctor<br />

in the house who can perform an emergency vasectomy?<br />

Don’t forget to ask which one of them plays the woman.<br />

This is my life. I have a full beard and a driver’s license that<br />

says I’m a girl. I can’t change it because the Department of<br />

Motor Vehicles wants an affidavit that says I’ve had genital<br />

surgery. Even if I had health insurance, it wouldn’t cover that<br />

procedure. So if I want to travel, I have to do it with a passport<br />

that doesn’t match my gender. If you hate taking off your<br />

shoes at the airport, think about what they’re going to want<br />

me to take off. I can’t pay my rent, much less buy a penis. I<br />

don’t even think I could afford an hour with somebody else’s<br />

penis.<br />

I fuck anyway, of course—I enjoyed witnessing and executing<br />

penetration long before I became a testosterone-based lifeform.<br />

But the dildo in my strap-on harness is illegal in several<br />

states. Right-wing think tanks have written model obscenity<br />

legislation that includes banning sex toys along with titty<br />

mags and boy-boy X-rated videos. If I try to sneak my dick into<br />

my native state of Texas, perhaps when I’m over there petitioning<br />

a court to revise my birth certificate, I’ll have to tell the<br />

nice rent-a-cop at the airport that it’s a dog retrieval dummy.<br />

But I won’t be making that trip any time soon because, guess<br />

what, no frankendick, no piece of paper that says you’re a<br />

guy. It’s wonderful, being pre-op. All of a sudden, nobody<br />

wants me to use their bathroom. Better start walkin’ like a<br />

camel, because I’m going to have to hold it forever.<br />

The sad thing is that oblivious straight people usually treat me<br />

better than gay men or lesbians. The fags are afraid I’ve got<br />

cunt cooties, and lesbians have never been nice to “dykes<br />

who just gave up when it got too hard to be a butch woman<br />

so they traded it all in for male privilege.” Yeah, I’ve got so<br />

much male privilege that I am constantly sick to my stomach<br />

for fear I’ll say the wrong thing, be seen reading the wrong<br />

book or talking to the wrong person, and be read as a tranny<br />

and stomped. My male privilege only lasts as long as nobody<br />

knows. Kind of like when everybody is nice to you at work<br />

until you bring your same-sex lover to the company picnic. No<br />

more heterosexual privilege for you.<br />

Now that sodomy is legal, the part of my sex life that I refer to<br />

as “foreplay” is no longer a criminal act. Until the handcuffs<br />

come out. Then it might be assault, even if the person in the<br />

handcuffs is dribbling quarter-cups of precum and consent.<br />

Sodomy is legal in England, too, but after a<br />

1987 investigation of a circle of friends who<br />

played in one another’s homes and videotaped<br />

some of their parties, British courts sent three<br />

gay men to prison for participating in S/M activities<br />

with one another. The Operation Spanner<br />

case included about a dozen defendants, and the bottoms<br />

were convicted of assaulting themselves. And you thought it<br />

was hard for Scott O’Hara to suck his own dick! In the last<br />

few years, people in New England and San Diego have been<br />

arrested at play parties and charged with public indecency,<br />

assault, possession of weapons, and other rot. So why do it?<br />

Especially, why do it someplace other than my bedroom?<br />

I won’t deny that I’m an exhibitionist who enjoys casual sex<br />

and mayhem with strangers. But I also want to participate<br />

in the public life of a community. If I stay home and watch<br />

television or go to the supermarket, I’m not going to see any<br />

people who are like me. S/M play parties are not just opportunities<br />

to do elaborate scenes on equipment that won’t fit in a<br />

studio apartment. They also offer a chance to see old friends,<br />

make new ones, teach someone how to play safely, learn a<br />

new bondage trick, eat potato chips, show off a new outfit,<br />

show off a new relationship, ease loneliness, and bolster our<br />

ego strength and survival skills. Where else am I going to<br />


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