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In our job there’s nothing that you have to do. You’re supposed<br />

to entertain the men, but you are not there to cash in<br />

on their whims. They think it’s Burger King. They expect you<br />

to wait on them hand and foot. They’re class less. They’re just<br />

something that you want to be removed. With the exception<br />

of a handful of men who take the time to talk to you. They<br />

respect you; they’re looking at you in admiration. They know<br />

that you’re human and that you have intelligence, that you do<br />

other things.<br />

But, basically, the men there are wrong. They’re wrong,<br />

they’re lost, they’re lonesome, but they don’t know how to<br />

deal with it. They’re also afraid. I think there’s a great fear<br />

that’s going on. A window goes up, “Hello! You think you’re<br />

Mr. Tough Guy? Here’s five nude women; what are you going<br />

to do now?” They freak out, and I think out of fear, nervousness<br />

makes them act stupid. They say the wrong things; they<br />

do the wrong things. Should I be macho? Should I be sensitive?<br />

They don’t know, so they do everything wrong.<br />

I’m very intimidating. I go out of my way to intimidate them,<br />

which makes them slip even more [laughs] into the revulsion<br />

level, so...they acquire a lot of training. But that’s what the<br />

whole theater’s about, I guess—training. And I’m at a point<br />

right now where I don’t even do that. They sicken me, and I<br />

go somewhere else mentally until they leave.<br />

Those are the male customers.<br />

There are two kinds of female customers. The<br />

women who have never been here before, who don’t know<br />

what to expect, women who have taken showers and never<br />

looked at themselves. They’re out for the night, either with<br />

their boyfriends or other girls, and they don’t know how to<br />

handle it, so they giggle. They come off very silly. Then there<br />

are the women who totally know what to expect. They’re<br />

wonderful. They’re full of admiration. They look at everyone in<br />

a very respectful way, watching how they move, like they’re<br />

watching a ballet. They’re very interested. They’ll say hello.<br />

They’re obviously in touch with themselves. Women are definitely<br />

cooler. There are no demands, no expectations.<br />

There are lesbian and straight women. Straight women come<br />

in with their partners. Some of the couples are wonderful.<br />

The women are totally into their partners looking at these<br />

other women, and they’re getting off on it. I can’t imagine<br />

how it can be such an experience for them—they really enjoy<br />

it. [Laughs.]<br />

Do you encounter violent men here? ~ Those are the kind<br />

of men that I attract, violent men. They’ll be loud, and I’ve<br />

even had a couple of them threaten me: “I’ll kick your ass.” It<br />

can happen if you provoke them in the I way that they don’t<br />

want to be provoked. Look, the men in there have hard-ons.<br />

They think with their hard-ons. Their hard-ons aren’t getting<br />

satisfied, they go off.<br />

Describe some of the more unique encounters you’ve<br />

had with customers. ~ One I will probably remember until<br />

I die is the boy who came in and sucked himself off. I think<br />

that’s wonderful. He rolls over, brings his hips up, and sucks<br />

himself off. Then he spits it out, which is a beautiful finish.<br />

The businessmen with the lingerie totally kill me. They’re the<br />

ones doing the “right thing,” and then they strip down, and<br />

they’re in women’s lingerie and garter belts. That’s just wonderful.<br />

I love the businessmen who get their dicks sucked by<br />

other men. [Laughs.] That’s a real turn-on, actually! Because<br />

it’s like they’re allowing their power to be demoted in front of<br />

us. I love it.<br />

We run this whole fuckin’ world. The<br />

world is based on pussy. Face it.<br />

Are you ever disturbed by the effect you have on customers?<br />

~ [Laughs.] No, I enjoy it. I like to piss them off; I like to<br />

make them feel something else besides their fucking dicks. I<br />

want them to be in for a banger. It’s like, you think you’re here<br />

for a quarter, getting a fucking hooker? Hell no, you’re get ting<br />

a woman who’s intelligent, a woman who thinks you’re fucking<br />

pathetic, who can’t understand why you have to do it. I’ve<br />

masturbated my whole life, and the idea of going to a place<br />

like that and putting myself on display—there’s just something<br />

wrong about it. It’s not wrong, it’s just—it’s pathetic.<br />

It’s just pathetic that they have to pay a quarter and beat off.<br />

It’s pathetic.<br />

Do you ever abuse the customers? ~ [Laughs.] Yes! Yes, I<br />

abuse them. I find myself going out of my way to make them<br />

feel intimidated and insecure, and make it hard for them to<br />

achieve an orgasm. [Laughs.] I enjoy that, because it’s not<br />

supposed to happen. You’re supposed to make it easy, so I<br />

think they should be in for a little treat. [Laughs.] I’m so rude<br />

to them. I’m going to have to start being aware that when I<br />

laugh at people and they have sexual problems, they may go<br />

kill themselves.<br />

Describe your family and its circumstances as you remember<br />

them during childhood. ~ My family was the perfect,<br />

all-American family. Mom and Dad were married, happy,<br />

and there was no abuse. They both worked, and I went to<br />

Catholic school and had the bike and the dog. I have an older<br />

brother, adopted also. Everything was just fine....<br />

My family is middle class. My dad was always a truck dispatcher<br />

for major supermarket chains. My mom has been the<br />

secretary, computer analyst lady. I went to Catholic school,<br />


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