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pad was blank. This shit goes on all over. The boss and his<br />

secretary—it’s so common it’s become a joke.<br />

Do you recognize any characteristics common to those<br />

who dance? ~ A lot of the women are very bright and very<br />

rebellious. They tend to be artists, musi cians, actresses, or<br />

just oddball people who have no desire to fit into the mainstream.<br />

The other type of women I’ve found tend to be not<br />

particularly bright. They tend to be drug addicts and people<br />

who don’t want to work for a living. And for some reason they<br />

don’t want to get into a committed relationship.<br />

Dancers talk about how much they’re<br />

in love with each other and how they<br />

want to fuck each other.<br />

Have you lost self-esteem due to dancing? ~ No, I have<br />

absolutely gained it. I feel like I’m being myself now. Before,<br />

I had this terrible feeling that I was an imposter, a fake, that<br />

I was acting out this part, a recovered incest victim who is<br />

striving to make a better life. That I will have a monogamous,<br />

good relation ship, children, a marriage, and a house in the<br />

suburbs and all that shit. It’s some thing I never really wanted.<br />

I guess I felt like I had to prove that my family situ ation did<br />

not, in fact, destroy me, that I could be normal, that I could be<br />

like everyone else. [Laughs.] But I don’t want to be like anyone<br />

else. I think every one else is kind of boring, I mean those<br />

normal types out there. I love eccentric people because I am<br />

eccentric. I’m feeling more and more free to be who I am. I’d<br />

say that dancing has really liberated me.<br />

What do you consider to be the failures of the women’s<br />

movement in the United States? ~ They’ve had a very rigid<br />

definition of what is okay for women to be. Exactly as males<br />

have had for centuries. They have taken a few traits and said,<br />

these are okay, but the rest are not. They have ignored those<br />

spe cial concerns of women of color. They have ignored all<br />

kinds of cultural and religious concerns. They have ostracized<br />

women in the sex industry. They decided that they were going<br />

to save us without ever asking us whether we wanted to<br />

be saved. They have really trashed homemakers and people<br />

who want to stay home and bear children. They’ve alienated<br />

them and other large, important groups of women. They have<br />

adopted pretty much a male, patriarchal view of what is okay.<br />

They are very concerned with education and upper-mid dleclass,<br />

white, male values being transferred.<br />

Jackie<br />

What sexual depictions do you perform? ~ There are<br />

times when I feel like I’m actually making love with a customer.<br />

That’s particularly when we’re both turned on and masturbating.<br />

I learned a great technique from this really hot little<br />

number who breezed in and out once in a while. She would<br />

pretend to lick the customer’s cock and then look up into his<br />

eyes with these big, soft, submissive brown eyes, and he<br />

would go nuts! When I am tired of dancing for a customer<br />

I pretend to give him head, and he gets off quick and goes<br />

away. [Laughs.] I think most dancers know that, but we don’t<br />

really talk about it. What she did looked submissive at first,<br />

which I was a little uncom fortable with, but now I see it as a<br />

whole other way to be incredibly accepting, erotic, and loving.<br />

There are times when I’m pretending that the customer is a<br />

voyeur and I don’t know he’s there.<br />

Does your performance contain elements of dominance<br />

and submission? ~ Absolutely. There are customers who are<br />

very submissive—we tell them they have to lick the windows.<br />

One guy we called “Slug” loved to lick those win dows!<br />

Then there are the customers who really want to be in control<br />

of the show. They motion and say “turn around,” “come<br />

here.” I have a real hard time as soon as someone tells me<br />

what they want. Even when I’m willing to do it, there’s still initial<br />

resistance. We always tell each other, “You<br />

don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.<br />

It’s your show; you’re in control.” Sometimes<br />

we’ll tell the customers, “This isn’t Burger<br />

King—you can’t have it your way.” It becomes<br />

not fun, not ours, doing what somebody tells you to do. It’s<br />

like being a waitress. It’s really stressful to have a shift where<br />

that’s all you get.<br />

I’ve recently had a tremendous breakthrough in this area. I<br />

read Slave Girl of Gor [laughs], and I was exploring my submissive<br />

fantasies, being totally submissive. A lot of my fantasies<br />

when I masturbate are that I have absolute ly no choice<br />

about it—I’m tightly bound. It’s pretty clear to me that I don’t<br />

want to let go unless I’m forced to. I don’t want to take responsibility<br />

for let ting go. So anyway, I thought I’d be a slave<br />

girl of Gor onstage, and it was so hot. The customers were so<br />

drawn to me. I had four of them for about an hour, nonstop.<br />

There was absolutely no room for them to tell me what to<br />

do; they just wanted to see what I was doing! I was making<br />

love to myself, really going for it. I was acting like I was totally<br />

theirs, that my whole purpose in life was to satisfy them. I<br />

had total control of them. It was really interesting to actually<br />

experience it, not just know that it’s true.<br />

From stage you see a lot of tongues. Describe this. ~<br />

It’s a way for them to be submissive, to say, “I would love to<br />

lick your pussy.” “Your pussy is deli cious-looking.” “I would<br />

love to return this, to arouse you.” It’s a way of communicating,<br />

especially for the guys in the stand-up booths. We can’t<br />

see the rest of their bodies, so they can’t gesture with their<br />


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