23.11.2012 Aufrufe

Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften Band 23

Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften Band 23

Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften Band 23


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Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwiss. <strong>23</strong>: 150 (2011)<br />

Three Novel Transporters: Guiding Manganese to the destined place<br />

Bastian Meier, Xi Chen, Annina Gwinner, Tina Peiter-Volk and Edgar Peiter<br />

The Plant Nutrition Laboratory, IAEW, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. E-Mail:<br />

Bastian.Meier@landw.uni-halle.de<br />

Introduction<br />

At least 35 enzymes of a plant cell require Mn as a catalytic site or cofactor,<br />

examples being the water-splitting system of photosystem II and the MnSOD. Even<br />

though Mn is involved in such important processes, the amount required is relatively<br />

low. Acidic soils show elevated levels of plant-available Mn and plants can encounter<br />

Mn toxicity. Plants therefore need to regulate (sub-)cellular Mn homeostasis.<br />

ShMTP8 from Stylosanthes hamata, a highly Mn-tolerant plant, encodes for a Mn<br />

transporter which translocates Mn into the vacuole (Delhaize, 2003). This transporter<br />

is a member of the Cation Diffusion Facilitator (CDF) protein family. The Arabidopsis<br />

genome contains four genes (AtMTP8-AtMTP11) closely related to ShMTP8. Based<br />

on their phylogenetic relationship, these genes may also encode for Mn transporters.<br />

We have previously identified a vesicle trafficking-based mechanism of Mn secretion<br />

in plants, which depends on the operation of AtMTP11 (Peiter, 2007). Here, we<br />

present the other Arabidopsis CDF members with a possible role in Mn homeostasis.<br />

Material und Methods<br />

To analyse the Mn transport activity of the MTPs in Mn-sensitive yeast cells the<br />

respective Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were dropped onto selective plates<br />

supplemented with Mn. To analyze the role of MTPs in planta T-DNA knockout<br />

mutants were grown on medium with excess manganese. Promotor activity analysis<br />

was done by promoter-GUS fusion. For subcellular localization Arabidopsis mesophyll<br />

protoplasts were transformed with EYFP fusion proteins. EYFP fluorescence<br />

was analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

The heterologous expression of the MTPs in a Mn-sensitive yeast mutant resulted in<br />

an enhanced export of Mn and therefore restored growth of the cells on high-Mn<br />

media, which is in agreement with their function as Mn transporters. Seedlings of<br />

knockout mutants displayed altered growth characteristics compared to the wild type<br />

in conditions of excess Mn and had an altered elemental composition. Interestingly,<br />

some mutants showed an improved tolerance to Mn toxicity. The analysis of promoter<br />

activity shows that the promoter of AtMTP8 is active in flowers. The highest<br />

activity of the AtMTP9 promoter was found in senescent leaves, suggesting an<br />

association with the sequestration of Mn from degrading photosystems. AtMTP10<br />

expression was visualized in the vascular system. The MTP-EYFP fusions showed<br />

that the three proteins operate in different cellular compartments like the vacuole, ER<br />

and vesicles. These results indicate specific roles of the investigated MTP genes in<br />

Mn homeostasis.<br />

References<br />

Delhaize, E. et al. 2003: Genes encoding proteins of the cation diffusion facilitator family that confer<br />

manganese tolerance. Plant Cell 15:1131-1142.<br />

Peiter, E. et al. 2007: A secretory pathway-localized cation diffusion facilitator confers plant manganese<br />

tolerance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:8532-8537.

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