Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools


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A<br />

A northern red oak Quercus rubra<br />

B white oak Quercus alba<br />

C American chestnut Castanea dentata<br />

D American elm Ulmus americana<br />

E American white ash Fraxinus americana<br />

F black walnut Juglans nigra<br />

G sycamore Platanus occidentalis<br />

B C D E F G<br />

H J K L M N P<br />

Q R S T U V W<br />

Figure 2.8 Photomicrographs of transverse (end-grain) sections of some types of wood commonly found in furniture.<br />

H American beech Fagus grandifolia<br />

J sugar maple Acer saccharum<br />

K black cherry Prunus serotina<br />

L yellow birch Betula alleghaniensis<br />

M American basswood Tilia americana<br />

N quaking aspen Populus tremuloides<br />

P African mahogany Khaya spp.<br />

Q Central American mahogany Swietenia spp.<br />

R teak Tectona grandis<br />

S Indian rosewood Dalbergia latifolia<br />

T eastern white pine Pinus strobus<br />

U eastern Larch (tamarack) Larix laricina<br />

V eastern spruce Picea spp.<br />

W balsam fir Abies balsamea

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