Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools


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536 Conservation of Furniture<br />

The effectiveness of surfactants as emulsifiers<br />

can be described by their hydrophilic/<br />

lipophilic balance number, or HLB. As previously<br />

stated, detergents and surfactants are<br />

characterized by a molecular structure that<br />

contains both a polar end and a non-polar<br />

carbon chain. The balance between the polar<br />

(hydrophilic) and non-polar (lipophilic)<br />

character of a surfactant molecule is described<br />

by its hydrophilic–lipophilic balance number<br />

or HLB. The HLB number, usually between 1<br />

and 40, is experimentally determined and<br />

measures the ability of a surfactant or detergent<br />

to emulsify mineral oil in water. HLB<br />

numbers are most successful at predicting the<br />

behaviour of non-ionic surfactants but have<br />

proven problematic for ionic surfactants.<br />

HLB numbers provide information about the<br />

properties of the detergent molecule and act<br />

as an empirical guide to a surfactant’s wetting<br />

and rinsing properties. The higher the HLB,<br />

the more balanced its polar and non-polar<br />

properties. Emulsions are most efficiently<br />

stabilized when the surfactant is more soluble<br />

in the continuous phase. As HLB is determined<br />

in an oil-in-water system, the higher the HLB,<br />

the more water-soluble (and therefore waterrinsable)<br />

the detergent.<br />

Detergents with an HLB number less than<br />

10 are considered weak. They usually have a<br />

long non-polar (lipophilic) ‘tail’, and as a result<br />

are often soluble in hydrocarbon solvents, for<br />

example, but insoluble in water. Thus residues<br />

of such detergents will not be removed by an<br />

aqueous rinse but will require a hydrocarbon<br />

rinse. In contrast, detergents with a high HLB<br />

(> 20) are strong surfactants. They are readily<br />

soluble in water because the polar<br />

(hydrophilic) and non-polar (lipophilic) parts<br />

of the molecule are more balanced. Such a<br />

detergent, e.g. sodium lauryl sulphate (HLB<br />

40), would be readily water-soluble and very<br />

effective for emulsifying oil in water.<br />

Detergents with a high HLB (> 20) are very<br />

effective for solubilizing oily materials but are<br />

not considered appropriate for cleaning<br />

decorative surfaces because they may swell or<br />

soften surfaces with an oil component and are<br />

more likely to result in over-cleaning.<br />

As a general rule conservation cleaning<br />

treatments utilize a detergent with a mid-range<br />

HLB (c.13–20). These detergents have unbalanced<br />

polar and non-polar properties but are<br />

capable of detergency, that is they can<br />

suspend oily dirt in solution. Non-ionics have<br />

an upper HLB limit of about 20 and are often<br />

used in conservation cleaning treatments<br />

because they can effectively disperse most oily<br />

dirt and can usually be cleared adequately<br />

with water. They are less likely to bond to or<br />

swell the substrate than the higher HLB anionics.<br />

Even within this narrow mid-range HLB,<br />

however, the lower the HLB number, the more<br />

unbalanced (and usually non-polar) the surfactant.<br />

A detergent such as Triton XL 80N (HLB<br />

13.5) is still predominantly non-polar. It will<br />

effectively emulsify water in oil, is sparingly<br />

soluble in water but more readily soluble in<br />

hydrocarbon solvents. Residue removal<br />

requires that the surfactant be more attracted<br />

to the rinse solution than to the surface. Thus<br />

the lower the HLB, the more likely that a<br />

hydrocarbon solvent rinse will be required to<br />

remove detergent residues.<br />

Critical micelle concentration (CMC)<br />

The characteristic that distinguishes soaps and<br />

detergents from other surfactants is the ability<br />

to form micelles, which aid in detaching and<br />

removing dirt from a surface. When a small<br />

amount of detergent is added to water it<br />

preferentially occupies the interface between<br />

the water and other materials, in this case, the<br />

interface between the water and its container,<br />

and the water and the air. As more and more<br />

detergent is added, there comes a point when<br />

the detergent molecules will spontaneously reorient<br />

themselves so that the hydrophilic head<br />

is pointed outwards into the water and the<br />

hydrophobic tail is pointed inwards towards<br />

moieties of dirt, grime and other oily materials<br />

(Figure 11.19a). The orientation of the<br />

detergent molecules would be reversed if the<br />

solution were predominantly oil-based, e.g. a<br />

water-in-oil emulsion (Figure 11.19b). This<br />

molecular configuration is called a micelle and<br />

the concentration at which micelles form is<br />

called the critical micelle concentration (CMC).<br />

Micelles are aggregates of detergent molecules<br />

that are directionally oriented according to the<br />

polarity of the cleaning solution. The detergent<br />

micelle allows a material to be suspended in<br />

a liquid in which it would otherwise be insoluble.<br />

Detergents are effective cleaning agents<br />

because they penetrate areas of soiling, deflocculate<br />

dirt into small particles that are then

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