Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools


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efractive index for air is 1.003 (Brill, 1980).<br />

Therefore, in practical terms, refractive index<br />

describes the degree to which a material bends<br />

light in comparison to air. Linseed oil films have<br />

a refractive index of around 1.57, which means<br />

that visible light will travel 1.57 times slower<br />

through them than air.<br />

Where there is an interface between any two<br />

materials (e.g. binding medium and pigment<br />

particle or varnish and binding medium), the<br />

opacity perceived by a viewer depends on<br />

the amount of light that is refracted (bent) at the<br />

interface. The greater the difference between<br />

the refractive indices of two materials, the more<br />

light is reflected (as opposed to transmitted) at<br />

the interface and the more opaque the system<br />

will appear.<br />

The interface between the varnish and the<br />

binding medium will affect the saturation of<br />

colour of painted surfaces. The closer the<br />

indices of varnish and binder, the less light is<br />

reflected at the interface, the more light is transmitted<br />

into the paint layer, the more light is<br />

absorbed by the pigment particles, and the<br />

more saturated the observed colours. Linseed<br />

oil has a refractive index of about 1.57 and is<br />

well saturated by natural resins such as<br />

dammar, mastic and sandarac but comparatively<br />

poorly saturated by synthetic resins such<br />

as Paraloid B72 (see Table 12.2).<br />

Gloss<br />

Colour saturation is dependent on surface topography<br />

as well as the relative indices of binding<br />

medium and varnish. The gloss of a surface is<br />

inversely proportional to its roughness. A surface<br />

that is smooth and reflects light uniformly to the<br />

eye of the observer will be perceived as glossy<br />

whilst an uneven surface that scatters light will<br />

be perceived as matte. Gloss affects colour saturation<br />

because the rougher the surface, the more<br />

light is scattered. Mixing scattered white light<br />

with the coloured light reflected from the substrate<br />

desaturates the appearance of the substrate.<br />

The darker the colour of the substrate, the<br />

greater the desaturating effect of the additional<br />

scattered white light.<br />

In the case of matte paint, pigment particles<br />

are not thoroughly bound (wetted) by a binding<br />

medium. Applying a varnish will result in a<br />

varnish/pigment interface replacing an air/pigment<br />

interface, with a dramatic increase in saturation.<br />

Principles of consolidation, aesthetic reintegration and coatings 589<br />

Wear, abrasion and the accumulation of dirt<br />

and grime will reduce the gloss of a coating<br />

(Figure 12.8d). The final appearance of furniture<br />

may require a balance between the original<br />

intended aesthetic and the effects of the passage<br />

of time. In some cases a high gloss finish<br />

is appropriate, whilst in others a matte varnish,<br />

or a surface with variations in matteness and<br />

gloss, may be a more sympathetic aesthetic.<br />

Molecular weight<br />

The molecular weight of the resin used in a<br />

coating and the evaporation rate of the solvent<br />

in which it is dissolved will affect saturation and<br />

gloss. The higher the molecular weight of the<br />

resin and the faster the diluent evaporates, the<br />

more rapid the onset of an immobile gel phase<br />

and the less opportunity the varnish has to<br />

level. The ability of a varnish to flow out and<br />

level contributes to gloss. If a varnish that cures<br />

by solvent evaporation forms an immobile gel<br />

at a point when considerable solvent remains,<br />

it will tend to form a surface that follows the<br />

irregularities of the paint underneath the varnish.<br />

This increase in roughness produces a<br />

decrease in saturation.<br />

Viscosity is a measure of resistance to flow.<br />

Low molecular weight resins (e.g. dammar,<br />

MS2A, Regalrez 1094) tend to produce low viscosity<br />

solutions, whilst high molecular weight<br />

resins such as Paraloid B72 produce comparatively<br />

high viscosity solutions. This is reflected<br />

in the concentrations of varnish solutions in<br />

which these resins are used. Brush varnish solutions<br />

of low molecular weight resins may be as<br />

high as 30% w/v or more, whilst brush solutions<br />

of high molecular weight synthetics are often<br />

around 10–15% w/v. More viscous varnish solutions<br />

will stop flowing over a surface sooner<br />

and will have less time to level. The rougher<br />

surface that results will result in a slight reduction<br />

in gloss and will appear less saturated.<br />

The evaporation rate of the solvent will also<br />

affect the physical properties of the film. The<br />

use of slow evaporating solvents will allow the<br />

maximum amount of levelling to occur and<br />

therefore produce glossier surfaces (de la Rie,<br />

1987). It should be noted that a slow-drying<br />

coating is likely to pick up more dust particles<br />

than a quick-drying finish. Solvent evaporation<br />

that is rapid enough to inhibit wetting will<br />

reduce the strength of the adhesive bond and<br />

colour saturation of the surface.

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