Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools


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518 Conservation of Furniture<br />

a decorative substrate will depend on several<br />

factors such as chemical compatibility and the<br />

surface area of the coating that is exposed to<br />

solvent. The presence of cracks, pores or<br />

cleavage between layers can significantly<br />

increase surface area, with a concomitant<br />

increase in solvent penetration and retention.<br />

The amount of swelling that occurs in the<br />

substrate depends on the relative rates of<br />

solvent diffusion into the substrate and the<br />

dissolution of the varnish (Figure 11.9).<br />

Organic solvents that are able to remove<br />

varnish layers are also able to affect paint<br />

layers. The degree of effect depends on the<br />

chemical compatibility of the solvent with the<br />

paint medium. A slow diffusing solvent will<br />

swell a chemically compatible substrate layer if<br />

the solvent is also slow in penetrating and<br />

dissolving the overlying varnish. In contrast, a<br />

slow diffusing solvent that is chemically incompatible<br />

with the substrate will have little or no<br />

swelling effect during the short exposure of a<br />

varnish removal treatment. This is one reason<br />

for the development of aqueous solutions such<br />

as resin and bile soaps to remove degraded<br />

varnish from oil paint substrates.<br />

Solubility parameters<br />

The principles of solubility are understood<br />

intuitively by most practitioners as ‘like<br />

dissolves like’. This is an expression of the<br />

principle that the intermolecular bonding of<br />

the solvent should be similar to the intermolecular<br />

bonding within the material that is to<br />

be removed. Water, for example, characterized<br />

primarily by hydrogen bonding, is a good<br />

solvent for traditional furniture-maker’s hide<br />

glue, the adhesive properties of which are also<br />

characterized by hydrogen bonding. Waxes,<br />

characterized by van der Waals forces, are<br />

insoluble in water but can be brought into<br />

solution by hydrocarbons such as white spirit<br />

or xylene. Thus understanding the composition<br />

of the materials to be removed will help<br />

in selecting a solvent with a similar chemistry.<br />

Conversely, knowing the nature of what is to<br />

be retained will aid the selection of a dissimilar<br />

solvent. The ‘strength’ of a solvent is not<br />

an intrinsic property but is relative to the<br />

chemical similarity of the solute and the<br />

solvent, the molecular weight of the material<br />

that is to be dissolved, duration of exposure<br />

and temperature.<br />

Predicting solubility<br />

Several models that assign numbers to the<br />

intermolecular forces in liquids have been<br />

developed, primarily in response to the need<br />

of the coatings industry to match solvents with<br />

polymers. Three models are discussed here.<br />

Hildebrand solubility parameters ( s) were the<br />

first to relate the solubility characteristics of a<br />

solvent to the intermolecular forces within a<br />

liquid:<br />

s = ℘(cohesive energy dispersion, or CED)<br />

The cohesive energy dispersion was a measure<br />

of the energy required to vaporize one cubic<br />

centimetre of liquid solvent. The stronger the<br />

intermolecular forces, the higher the CED and<br />

s. Hildebrand and Scott (1948) predicted that<br />

solvents with a similar s would be miscible.<br />

Hildebrand solubility parameters are not<br />

particularly effective for predicting the solubility<br />

of solids, though they have been used to<br />

predict the swelling effect of solvents on oil<br />

paint films (Feller et al., 1985). They are still<br />

widely used in the industrial solvent and paint<br />

industries.<br />

Hansen (1967) proposed a refinement of<br />

Hildebrand parameters by suggesting that the<br />

single solubility parameter s could be divided<br />

according to the contribution of dispersion<br />

forces ( D), polar forces ( P) and hydrogen<br />

bonding ( H):<br />

s = ℘( D 2 + P 2 + H 2 )<br />

Teas (1968) proposed three parameters that<br />

were based on Hansen parameters but relative<br />

to each other as a proportion of 100:<br />

dispersion forces fd = 100 D/(D + P+ H) polar forces fp = 100 P/(D + P+ H) hydrogen bonding fh = 100 H/(D + P+ H) Solvents that are predominantly characterized<br />

by dispersion forces are non-polar (e.g. mineral<br />

spirits). Polar solvents can be categorized<br />

according to whether hydrogen bonding<br />

predominates, in the past referred to as ‘wet’<br />

polarity (e.g. water), and those in which dipole<br />

bonding predominates, previously known as<br />

‘dry’ polarity (e.g. dichloromethane). Within<br />

these broad categories, subtle variations exist

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