Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools


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which property changes become apparent due<br />

to progressive degradation of the film. In the<br />

first stage, when solvent is still present, the film<br />

is still flexible and has not yet come to a<br />

solvent/environment equilibrium. The solvent<br />

will diffuse through the body of the coating to<br />

the upper portion of the film and evaporate<br />

from the surface, a process that may take<br />

months to complete (Martens, 1968). Solvent<br />

may also diffuse into the layers below the<br />

coating and begin to dissolve soluble low<br />

molecular weight components into the varnish<br />

layer itself. Also, a small amount of some<br />

solvents may be permanently retained. Physical<br />

stress caused by solvent evaporation may result<br />

in fissures which may appear as a very<br />

pronounced craquelure or small fault lines only<br />

visible with magnification. The second stage<br />

(solvent dissipated), when the film has lost all<br />

of the free solvent and is set into a fairly stable<br />

coating is usually the longest stage in the life<br />

of the coating. In the third stage, physical and<br />

chemical changes occur yielding an oxidized<br />

film which may be crazed, brittle, opaque,<br />

discoloured or otherwise altered in properties.<br />

This aged coating is likely to be chemically<br />

quite different from the initial state. Materials<br />

which are substantially changed during this<br />

process would be considered less stable. Some<br />

coatings such as beeswax may change very<br />

little over an extended period of time.<br />

Development of insoluble matter<br />

The tendency for thermoplastic polymers to<br />

develop insoluble matter with time is the rule<br />

rather than the exception. This is generally<br />

due to crosslinking but the formation of<br />

ketonic and acidic groups, which also takes<br />

place in the process of oxidation, tends to<br />

make polymers more polar. For example, the<br />

decreasing solubility in toluene of Acryloid<br />

B82 and Rhoplex AC33 that occurs with time<br />

is apparently not due to crosslinking but rather<br />

to a change in polarity. This is also the case<br />

with the natural resins dammar and mastic and<br />

with the cyclohexanone based coatings AW2,<br />

MS2, MS2A and Ketone N. When fresh these<br />

are soluble in white spirit but require more<br />

polar solvents for their removal as time goes<br />

on. They may eventually require ethyl alcohol<br />

or similar solvent for their removal.<br />

While poly vinyl acetate is highly resistant<br />

to crosslinking, many of the methacrylate<br />

Deterioration of other materials and structures 339<br />

polymers of interest in conservation are highly<br />

prone to becoming insoluble through this<br />

mechanism. These include iso amyl, iso butyl<br />

and n-butyl methacrylates. However, there are<br />

others, including poly (n propyl methacrylate)<br />

and Paraloid B72 (co-polymer of methyl<br />

methacrylate and ethyl acrylate), which are<br />

highly resistant to crosslinking. The most<br />

sensitive materials tend to be those polymers<br />

based on methacrylic esters which have a<br />

tertiary hydrogen atom in the alkyl radical of<br />

the alcohol group.<br />

The development of insolubility seems to<br />

proceed in four stages for polymers that<br />

crosslink on ageing. There is generally an<br />

induction period during which the development<br />

of insoluble material is not noticed. This<br />

may be because the polymer contains<br />

substances (either intentionally or accidentally)<br />

which are attacked more readily than the<br />

polymer itself and therefore protect it. It is also<br />

a consequence of the growth of molecules by<br />

crosslinking to a size sufficient to become<br />

insoluble. It does not need many crosslinks to<br />

form before a high molecular weight material<br />

becomes insoluble. Low molecular weight<br />

materials require many more reactions before<br />

insoluble material is formed. That part of the<br />

induction time that is the result of the growth<br />

of molecules to a sufficient size to become<br />

insoluble is thus inversely proportional to<br />

molecular weight. The exposure necessary<br />

before the first insoluble matter is formed is<br />

sometimes referred to as the gel dose.<br />

In the second stage, following the point of<br />

initial appearance of insoluble polymeric<br />

material but before a high degree of crosslinking<br />

has occurred, most films can be removed<br />

as a mixture of highly swollen gel and<br />

dispersible sol. This relative ease of removal<br />

appears to last up to about five times the gel<br />

dose. The rate at which insoluble matter builds<br />

up follows a regular mathematical law usually<br />

becoming approximately 90% insoluble after<br />

five times the gel dose. If chain breaking and<br />

crosslinking occur simultaneously this will<br />

effectively reduce the percentage of insoluble<br />

material. Nevertheless, the density of crosslinks<br />

in the insoluble portion will steadily<br />

increase and this will therefore become less<br />

able to swell and hence more difficult to<br />

remove. During this period, polymers such as<br />

poly (n-butyl methacrylate) and poly (iso-amyl

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