Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools

Series editors' preface - Wood Tools


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86 Conservation of Furniture<br />

2.5.3 Factors affecting the strength of<br />

wood<br />

Besides the normal variability of strength<br />

among and within species, many other factors<br />

may affect the strength of wood. These factors<br />

may be broadly grouped into natural defects<br />

and irregularities, factors related to the environment<br />

and the effects of biological agents.<br />

When the grain direction is not parallel to the<br />

long axis of a wooden component, it is said to<br />

be cross-grained (sometimes referred to as<br />

short-grained). Cross grain may occur from spiral<br />

grain in the tree or by the manner in which<br />

the timber is sawn. In linear furniture parts such<br />

as legs and spindles, whose performance<br />

depends on longitudinal properties such as<br />

bending resistance, cross grain may result in<br />

serious strength loss. A slope-of-grain of one in<br />

five, for example, may result in 50–60% reduction<br />

in the modulus of rupture. Knots in wood<br />

are another major weakening defect. Loss in<br />

strength results not only from the abnormal tissue<br />

and grain direction of the knot itself, but<br />

from the cross grain of wood distorted around<br />

the knot. Compression wood, the reaction wood<br />

formed in conifers as a result of crooked or<br />

leaning stems, is usually higher in density and<br />

compression strength than normal wood, but<br />

the wood is weaker in tensile strength and in<br />

both modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity<br />

in bending. In hardwoods, tension wood<br />

is exceptionally weak in compression parallel to<br />

the grain though it may be stronger in tension<br />

and tougher than normal wood of the same<br />

density. It exhibits abnormally high longitudinal<br />

shrinkage and slightly increased tangential, but<br />

normal radial, shrinkage. The lignin content of<br />

the cell wall is deficient compared with normal<br />

wood and gelatinous fibres may be present.<br />

As wood dries below the fibre saturation<br />

point, strength increases with the loss of bound<br />

water. The greatest increases are in compression<br />

along the grain: strength is approximately<br />

doubled when wood is dried to 12% moisture<br />

content, tripled when oven-dried. Modulus of<br />

rupture is increased much less, and modulus of<br />

elasticity is increased least upon drying.<br />

Strength of wood is also affected by temperature,<br />

increased as temperature is lowered,<br />

decreased as temperature is increased. Over the<br />

range and duration of naturally occurring temperature<br />

changes, strength changes are tempo-<br />

rary. However, if exposed to higher than natural<br />

temperatures, or for prolonged periods,<br />

permanent loss of strength may result. Effects of<br />

heat in reducing strength are least in dry air,<br />

greatest in moist air or steam. The use of steaming<br />

to temporarily plasticize wood for permanent<br />

bending of furniture parts is well known.<br />

Strength of wood is also related to duration of<br />

loading. Time-related creep in wood reduces<br />

strength over long-term load periods. For example,<br />

a beam might carry a short-term (5 minutes)<br />

load three times as great as it could carry<br />

for a long term (a hundred years or longer).<br />

The destructive effects of wood-inhabiting<br />

insects such as termites, carpenter ants and beetles<br />

need little elaboration, as the physical loss<br />

of wood will result in proportional loss of<br />

strength. Fungi are a major cause of deterioration<br />

in wood. In order for the threadlike<br />

hyphae of fungi to develop in wood, four major<br />

requirements are necessary: favourable temperature<br />

(70–85 °F is ideal), oxygen (20% or more<br />

air volume in the wood), moisture (fibre saturation<br />

point or above is ideal), and food. <strong>Wood</strong>staining<br />

fungi utilize the residues of stored<br />

materials in parenchyma cells of sapwood but<br />

they do not attack cell walls. Therefore,<br />

although the staining fungi discolour the wood,<br />

they do not reduce its strength. However, the<br />

wood-destroying fungi utilize enzymes to break<br />

down and assimilate the cell wall substance,<br />

producing various forms of decay or rot. Initial<br />

stages of fungal invasion, termed incipient<br />

decay, may at first have insignificant effect on<br />

strength. Impact strength is the first strength<br />

property to be affected. If allowed to continue,<br />

total loss of strength may result. It should be<br />

noted that Chlorociboria both deposits a green<br />

stain in the wood and causes losses of strength.<br />

Controlling moisture is the principal approach<br />

to preventing decay. If wood is maintained<br />

below 20% moisture content, decay fungi cannot<br />

develop.<br />

2.5.4 Role of wood strength in furniture<br />

In furniture, strength of wood plays a critical<br />

role in various ways. Bending strength may<br />

determine the integrity of legs and stretchers in<br />

chairs and tables, the rails or posts of beds, or<br />

the planks of benches and leaves of tables.<br />

Hardness usually predicts how well surfaces<br />

resist indentation under practical use or abuse.

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