FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site


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Progress Review Meeting<br />

Page 3<br />

and then contract with Northpoint to complete the remainder of the ladder installation. DDI to<br />

complete fall prevention JHA and make sure that work package is discussed and clear to all<br />

involved. DDI discussing a "flip-plate" to be used to stick check levels in the tank from the top<br />

of the ladder. DDI needs to check that modifications made to the tank are in compliance with the<br />

manufacturer's specs. Ladder to be installed today (3/23/2010). Ladder installation delayed<br />

because the bolts where too large for the holes. New DDI PM will be revisiting this matter<br />

(4/20). Watts is looking into the costs associated with placing scaffolding around the tank.<br />

Another alternative is to bring a man-lift to the site (4/27). No update. (5/4) No update. (5/11)<br />

No update. (5/18) DDI has re-evaluated and determined no reconfigurations will be made to the<br />

tank. (5/25)<br />

* Discussed issue of inaccurate scale weights. DDI has instructed Watts to install a new scale. The<br />

scale is part of the contract between Watts and DDI. WCH asks that the work be completed no<br />

later than the end of May with work to be completed on weekends so not to take away from<br />

production. (5/4) No change. WCH discussed the need to coordinate long lead time for<br />

scheduling teamster to remove from site the scale being replaced. (5/11) No change. DDI subtier<br />

(Watts) has to plans at this time to replace scale. (5/18) It is questionable if scale is issuing<br />

consistent weight that is reliable.<br />

* DDI is reminded that Daily Reports are to be submitted to WCH the following day. If the person<br />

who normally completes these is out, a back up needs to be identified and trained. This continues<br />

to be a challenge. (4/27) WCH noted that this is the DDI PM's responsibility. As this continues<br />

to be an issue, DDI is putting themselves in a deficient position. (5/11) No change. (5/18)<br />

a<br />

DDI asked that WCI I clarify thc dcfinition of anomalies. There seems to be some confusion on<br />

DDI's part what actually constitutes an anomaly. No update. A meeting will be held to discuss<br />

this today (5/4). DDI requested an additional meeting to discuss delays related to anomalies.<br />

This is scheduled for 5/12/20 10 at 1:00. (5/11) Meeting rescheduled for Thursday, 5/20/2010.<br />

(5/18) Meeting held 5/25/20 10.<br />

0 DDI has not received any information on the Trench I camera specs or equipment specs for the<br />

400 excavator. They will follow up with the vendor. (5/11) Some specs have been received, but<br />

more are needed. Confer with D. Teachout for specifics. (5/18) WCH is in development of<br />

change notice for Trench I work.<br />

* There are several safety items that need DDI attention from last week's safety walkdown.<br />

(Cover/Storage for the breathing air bottles, cord trees for the fans used in the field, fixative hose<br />

at the tent, and move the batteries charging in the conex.) (5/11) There has been no progress<br />

made in making these corrections. (5/18) "S"-hook installed for electrical cords, fixative hose has<br />

been corrected, and batteries are no longer being charged in Conex. No progress on cover and<br />

storage for breathing air bottles. (5/25)<br />

0 DDI to submit REA for mandatory Beryllium training held on 5/17/20 10. This will be part of the<br />

delay discussion meeting to be held on Thursday 5/20/2010. DDI will be submitting and REA for<br />

All-Hand meeting and Safety Expo.<br />

* Discussed Incidental Welding procedure. Surveillance performed, identified necessary changes<br />

to be made for clarifications. (5/18) No update. (5/2 5)<br />

* WCH expressed concerns about delays in completion of subcontract administrative duties and<br />

paperwork. WCH suggests that DDI take a look at how to best resolve this issue. (5/18)<br />


*DDI still needs to submit for WCH review as-builts for electrical as well as the energized water<br />

line. (5111) No change. (5/18) No change. (5/25)

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