FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site


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Progress Review Meeting<br />

Page 6<br />

" WCH QA will be conducting surveillance on contract flowdown and review of sub-tier QA<br />

programs. (5/25) This is ongoing. (6/1) There may be an issue with the flowdown of submittals<br />

between Watts and DDI. WCH QA suggests that DDI review their contract to determine if there<br />

is a breakdown. Per the WCI- QA this is becoming an item of increasing interest for DOE and<br />

WCH. (6/8) DDI should be prepared for an inspection of their QA plan and flow-downs by<br />

WCH QA in the near future. (6/29) DDI provided copy of surveillance by WCH QA. This<br />

surveillance will be ongoing this week and next. (7/14) The surveillance will be conducted on<br />

7/22 for this site. (7/20) This surveillance is ongoing to additional sub-tiers, including Jewell.<br />

Results are not anticipated to be positive. There appears to be serious issues with flowdown of<br />

DDI QA plan to sub tiers. WCH QA is concerned about how the QA plan is being implemented<br />

by sub-tiers, specifically Jewell. These issues are of considerable concern to WCII. (7/27)<br />

* A surveillance was completed today on compressed gas bottles/cylinders. DDI was provided the<br />

checklist for the surveillance last week. WCH is concerned because the inspection today showed<br />

deficiencies even after the criteria were provided ahead of time. (7/20) WCH QA will follow up<br />

on this surveillance and results. DDI should anticipate that an SDR will be issued by WCH.<br />

XI.<br />

XII.<br />


" DDI will be issuing an RFI for the scheduler position, duties and WCH expectations. No update<br />

(5/4). No update. (5/11) No change. (5/18) Received, WCH in review. (5/25) No update. (6/1)<br />

WCH conmnits to having a response to DDI no later than 6/15. (6/8) WCH commits to having<br />

response to DDI 7/15. (7/14) This will be issued by WCH by the end of the week. (7/20) WCH<br />

has provided response letter to DDI outlining expectations. (7/27)<br />

* DDI requests a discussion about the cost of the 114 monitoring in support of confirmatory<br />

sampling sent out for processing. (6/8) WCH in review of letter from DDI. (6/15) No change.<br />

(6/24) No change. (6/29) WCH commits to a response by next week. (7/14) On schedule to be<br />

completed by the end of this week. (7/20) WCH has provided response letter to DDI on this<br />

subject. (7/27)<br />


*See attached.<br />

*Electrical Drawings for electrical tie-ins, as-builts and diesel tank electrical design have been<br />

submitted to WCH. Review and comments to be returned to RDC today. DDI incorporating<br />

comments and will resubmit. DDI to submit by 1/28/2010. WCH has received, in<br />

preliminary review, will return this week. WCH returned to DDI, status 2, with comments.<br />

DDI will be doing a walkdown with Mr. Teachout to incorporate comments and will resubmit<br />

drawings for approval. DDI to check on status. DDI waiting on North Point. DDI still<br />

waiting on North Point. They have exceeded the 30-day expected response to a returned<br />

submittal. DDI to follow up with North Point again this week. No update, still with DDI<br />

(4/20). No update (4/27). No update (5/4). No update from DDI. WCH issued SDR. (5/18)<br />

No update. (5/25) No update. (6/8) WCH is in review of drawing. (6/29) DDI has received<br />

the review comments from WCH and is working to get the drawing updated. They commit to<br />

having the drawing resubmitted by 7/21. (7/14)

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