FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site


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Closure<br />

WCH <strong>Hanford</strong><br />

Meeting Minutes<br />

WashigtonCCN:<br />

154576<br />


Distribution<br />

Christopher L. Beach<br />

X<br />

Ely-AN=October26, 2010<br />


E. L. Adamson X3-40 D. Bollinger (DDI)<br />

C. L. Beach X3-16 R. D. Cantwell N3-30<br />

Q. L. Crist X3-16 R. W. Cross H-4-25<br />

A. Gagnon X9-08 T. Dance (DDI) X3-17<br />

J. A. Heard H4-17 R. A. Dodd H4-24<br />

S. E. Parnell X3-16 C. Flowers (DDI) X3-17<br />

J. R. Soulia (DDI) X3-17 T. A. Foster N3-30<br />

H. C. Weber (DDI) X3-17 R. Ganapathy X3-40<br />

H. Williams III X3-16 W. R. Junkins X3-16<br />

R. T. Hansen H4-17<br />

S. J. Huddleston X3-16<br />

D. G. Saueressig N3-30<br />

M. Sherman (DDI) X3-17<br />

D. B. Teachout X3-16<br />

J. Zeisloft A3-04<br />

Project File, X3-16<br />

Records and Document Control H-4-l11<br />

A meeting on the above subject was held on October 26, 2010 at 11I8-K, MO-755.<br />

I. SAFETY<br />

* Safety topic: Discussed the importance of wearing the proper eye protection for the job. It is<br />

especially important in changing weather conditions. Need to recognize that weather is not the<br />

same in town as it is on site and vice versa and that conditions can change rapidly and<br />

unexpectedly. Another topic: drivers needed to realize that bridges can be icy even if the<br />

temperature isn't below 320<br />

IT.<br />


* PRC Deputy Fire Marshall has requested sketch of water system configuration that will be<br />

constructed. DDI to provide. The excavation permit and non-emergency hydrant tie-in permit<br />

approvals are with the CHPRC I100-K Fire Protection Engineer pending their approval of this<br />

system. Additional request has been made for CAD drawings of this configuration by the Fire<br />

Protection Engineer. WCH has followed up on status and has resolved CHPRC concerns and<br />

requests. Currently just waiting on the permits to be issued by CHPRC. Discussed 150 gpm<br />

restrictor to be installed at the hydrant tie-in as well as an additional restrictor at the water high<br />

tank. Permits scheduled to be complete by 1/14/20 10. Still waiting on permits from CHPRC.<br />

Z:\Administrative Assistant\Project Progress Review Weekly Meelings\2010\Oetober\lO-26-lO Weekly Pmgress.doc

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