FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site

FOI_2011-00646_Enclosure - Hanford Site


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Progress Review Meeting<br />

Page 5<br />

*WCH intends to begin working on Trench I silo work packages in early August. Tentative<br />

meeting set for 8/16 to discuss work package for Trench I silos. WCH to confirm with planners<br />

on schedule. (8/3) When the initial work package is developed, craft will be involved in the fine<br />

tuning of the WP. (8/10) Meeting postponed to Monday, 8/23. (8/17) Meeting moved to<br />

Wednesday 8/25 at 8:00. In the near future a WCH planner will be on site three days a week for<br />

support with work packages and technical procedure needs. (8/24) Informal review of existing<br />

work packages has begun by WCH Planners. WCH will involve DDI field personnel as the work<br />

draws closer. (8/3 1)<br />

IX.<br />


*DDI is planning to begin the process of ordering ecology blocks that will be used in the Trench I<br />

Silo remediation. (7/27) DDI is planning for approximately 150 ecology blocks. (8/3)<br />

0 WCH will be issuing an additional change notice for trench I that will require provision of<br />

means and methods as well as materials such as ecology blocks. (8/10) DDI should plan for<br />

draft specification from WCH by the end of the week. (8/3 1)<br />

X. QUALITY<br />

* The Kenworth haul trucks are on hold for use with 25-ton cans until final certification data is<br />

provided. Submittal for certification was returned status 3. No update (5/4). No update. (5/11)<br />

No update. (5/18) No update. (6/ 1) No update. (6/8)<br />

o<br />

WCH issued SDR (FR-2010-IE-0092-017) to DDI on 5/24/2010 for shuttle truck<br />

specifications. (5/25) No update. (6/1) No update. (6/8) DDI to provide CAR by 6/24/2010.<br />

(6/22) WCH received CAR today. (6/29) WCH is in review of the CAR (7/14) WCH QA<br />

would like DDI to update the letter provided in response with current information and dates.<br />

(7/20) DDI to submit letter with updated information on 7/27. (7/27) DDI to provide by 8/4.<br />

(8/3)<br />

" DDI to submit SDR completion response. All items are complete. (8/17) DDI to resubmit<br />

copy of the response letter for final disposition of the SDR. (8/3 1)<br />

* WCH QA will be conducting surveillance on contract flowdown and review of sub-tier QA<br />

programs. (5/25) This is ongoing. (6/1) There may be an issue with the flowdown of submittals<br />

between Watts and DDI. WCH QA suggests that DDI review their contract to determine if there<br />

is a breakdown. Per the WCH QA this is becoming an item of increasing interest for DOE and<br />

WCH. (6/8) DDI should be prepared for an inspection of their QA plan and flow-downs by<br />

WCH QA in the near future. (6/29) DDI provided copy of surveillance by WCH QA. This<br />

surveillance will be ongoing this week and next. (7/14) The surveillance will be conducted on<br />

7/22 for this site. (7/20) This surveillance is ongoing to additional sub-tiers. Results are not<br />

anticipated to be positive. There appears to be serious issues with flowdown of DDI QA plan to<br />

sub tiers. WCH QA is concerned about how the QA plan is being implemented by sub-tiers.<br />

These issues are of considerable concern to WCH. (7/27) DDI and WCH QA to meet to discuss<br />

flow downs. (8/3) WCH QA will be issuing letter to DDI outlining the details of the<br />

surveillance results.<br />

o WCH QA still has concemn about DDI flowdown to WCI. DDI indicated that WCI has<br />

provided letter indicating they intend to work to the DDI QA plan. DDI indicated they have<br />

not assessed WCI to determine that WCI is adhering to the QA plan. (8/10) DDI would like<br />

a response in writing outlining the concerns that WCH QA has that WCI is not working to the<br />

DDI QA program. (8/17) WCH will be issuing SDR this week to DDI for deficiencies. (FR-<br />

2010-IF-0664-SDR-023) (8/24) DDI has received the SDR and indicated they will address<br />

issues. (8/3 1)

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