Itt - Magyar Talajtani Társaság

Itt - Magyar Talajtani Társaság

Itt - Magyar Talajtani Társaság


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Várallyay<br />

Summary<br />

Soil is the most important – conditionally renewable – natural resource in Hungary.<br />

Consequently, the rational and sustainable use, protection and conservation of soil resources –<br />

maintaining their multifunctionality – are priority tasks of biomass production and environment<br />

protection and are key elements of sustainable development. Human society uses (and<br />

sometimes misuses) more and more soil functions, utilizing two specific and unique soil<br />

characteristics: fertility and resilience.<br />

Under the integrated influence of the highly variable soil forming factors a rather<br />

heterogeneous, sometimes mosaic-like soil cover developed in Hungary. The comprehensive<br />

Hungarian soil database represents proper scientific basis for rational land use and soil<br />

management.<br />

The natural conditions in Hungary (particularly in the lowlands and plains) are generally<br />

favourable for rainfed biomass production. These conditions, however, show extremely high,<br />

irregular, consequently hardly predictable spatial and temporal variability, often extremes, and<br />

sensitively react to various natural or human-induced stresses. The main constraints are:<br />

1. Soil degradation processes.<br />

2. Extreme moisture regime: simultaneous hazard of flood, waterlogging, over-moistening<br />

and drought sensitivity.<br />

3. Unfavourable changes in the biogeochemical cycles of elements, especially of plant<br />

nutrients and environmental pollutants.<br />

The harmful consequences of the undesirable soil degradation processes can be prevented<br />

or at least moderated on the basis of real prognoses, sensitivity and stress tolerance analyses.<br />

Water resources are limited in Hungary. The annual precipitation, surface and subsurface water<br />

resources will not be more in the future. Just in contrary, the probability, frequency, duration and<br />

seriousness of extreme meteorological/hydrological situations and their harmful consequences will<br />

increase. Water will be the key factor of sustainable biomass production, agricultural and rural<br />

development and environment protection. Under such conditions it is an important fact that soil is<br />

the largest potential natural water reservoir in Hungary. In many cases, however, the efficient<br />

use of this huge potential water storage capacity is limited either by slow infiltration or poor water<br />

retention, and it results in extreme hydrological events such as flood, waterlogging, overmoistening<br />

or drought with their unfavourable consequences. The basic aim of soil moisture control<br />

is: to help infiltration into the soil and to increase water storage within the soil in plant-available<br />

form. Most of these measures are efficient elements of environment protection.<br />

The efficient control of soil processes is the proper answer of up-to-date soil science to the<br />

new challenges towards sustainable soil resource management.<br />

Bevezetés<br />

Talajkészleteink ésszerő és fenntartható használata, védelme és sokoldalú funkcióképességének<br />

fenntartása az élet alapvetı minıségének (megfelelı mennyiségő és minıségő<br />

élelmiszer; „tiszta” víz; kellemes környezet) biztosítása céljából olyan össztársadalmi<br />

érdek, ami nemcsak a földtulajdonos és földhasználó, hanem az állam és az<br />

egész társadalom részérıl megkülönböztetett figyelmet érdemel, átgondolt és összehangolt<br />

intézkedéseket tesz szükségessé. A talaj csak így tud a kor új kihívásaira reagálni,<br />

azoknak megfelelni.<br />

A talaj jelentısége, funkciói<br />

Az egyéb természeti kincsekben szegény <strong>Magyar</strong>ország legjelentısebb feltételesen<br />

megújuló (megújítható) természeti erıforrását talajkészleteink képezik (CSETE,<br />

VÁRALLYAY, 2004; VÁRALLYAY, 2010). A talaj, ésszerő és szakszerő használata so-<br />


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