BC-DX 841 04 Jan 2008 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 841 04 Jan 2008 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 841 04 Jan 2008 Private Verwendung der Meldun


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eal SW sites, QSLs issued by R Moscow stating a certain site have little<br />

or no value as a real confirmation of that site or the republic where this<br />

site would be located.<br />

(Olle Alm-SWE, dxld May 22)<br />

The ol<strong>der</strong> WRTH's like in 60ties and 70ties show Kishinev MW 998 kHz only,<br />

later accompanied by 1313/1448 kHz. Kishinev was n e v e r even been an<br />

USSR Regional station with 50 kW shortwave relay, -- except of some 5 kW<br />

Radio Liberty and RFE Romanian jammer units. In all decades USSR kept<br />

their dark secret un<strong>der</strong> the vailed site call KCH.<br />

19 years later in WRTH 1992, p137, "Grigoriopol" location was print out<br />

for the first time.<br />

Counting radio countries may so simple:<br />

NASWA counts two areas separate, -- Moldova itself and also breakaway<br />

entity Pridnestrovya. The rest of the world counts one united Moldova,<br />

either Kishinev or two regional mediumwaves and plus SW+LW+MW from<br />

Grigoriopol Maiac location.<br />

Uspeakable example of Kosovo separation from Serbia will give Russia an<br />

example to divide Pridnestrovya, Ossetia, Abkhazia, etc. from original<br />

area. (wb)<br />

MONGOLIA Received very kind letter in Russian and three QSLs for reports<br />

in Ru via Russia, En direct from April and another for New Year special<br />

prgr on 4895 kHz in Mongolian (May 8).<br />

(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews May 13)<br />

MYANMAR [non] Trans World Radio airing timely hope to the hopeless in<br />

cyclone-ravaged Myanmar. Tuesday, May 13, <strong>2008</strong> By Michael Ireland, Chief<br />

Correspondent, ASSIST News Service.<br />

As the beleaguered nation of Myanmar continues to suffer from the mass<br />

devastation caused recently by Tropical Cyclone Nargis, international<br />

Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio (TWR) plans to produce special<br />

radio programs offering critically needed health and social care<br />

information, emotional support and spiritual care for the hurting and<br />

hopeless.<br />

TWR's announcement to begin airing these programs to Myanmar (formerly<br />

known as Burma) is especially timely given news reports indicating that<br />

the estimated death toll is upwards of 100,000 people, with another 1<br />

million having been displaced from their homes.<br />

A media release states that TWR's over-the-airwave assistance strategy<br />

involves offering a full year of dedicated 30-minute broadcasts that will<br />

provide biblical counseling and care five days a week ...<br />

<br />

(via Bruce Atchison-AB-USA, dxld May 14)<br />

Tnx. Strange how the stuff from ASSIST rarely gives such essential<br />

details. TWR is scheduled already in Burmese, per WRTH update:<br />

Burmese Days Area kHz [meaning KTWR, Guam]<br />

1200-1235 .....s. SEA 13765twr<br />

1200-1300 mtwtf.s SEA 13765twr<br />

They also have Sgaw Karen as also mentioned in the story, which doesn't<br />

make clear whether the 'timely hope' broadcasts go into the existing<br />

programming, but it seems likely.<br />

(Glenn to Bruce, via dxld)<br />

NEPAL Google Earth imagery. Bardibas 1143 kHz 10 kW

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