CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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<strong>II</strong> <strong>Congresso</strong> <strong>Internacional</strong> <strong>da</strong> ABRAPUIPerceptions of English language teachers concerning the mythof the native speaker. A study of beliefsCarlos Breno Carvalho e Almei<strong>da</strong> (FISK)Glauber Heitor Sampaio (UFV)As some studies point out (BARCELOS, 2003; BRAINE, 1999;HOLLIDAY, 2004), there is an exacerbated idealism concerningthe native speaker in teaching languages, which in turn, ascendthem to a level of perfection. Many times this myth may impairlearners of one target language, by creating indisposition or developingbarriers in their learning because some of them are not able toreach the proficiency level they would like to achieve, in otherwords, the way of speaking of a native speaker. Thinking aboutthese problems, in this work, we carried out a survey to identifybeliefs of English teachers who worked in private language schools,concerning the native speaker. This study, therefore, justifiesitself due to the importance of verifying what language teachersthink about the native speaker, for it is known that the teacher’sbeliefs may influence their teaching and consequently their students’beliefs regarding the learner’s thoughts and the way they see aforeign language and also for the necessity of studies which approachbeliefs under a more specific focus in the Applied Linguistics(BARCELOS, 2004). In order to conduct this research, we usedopen ended questionnaires and interviews and we applied themto graduate teachers of a private language school. Lastly, wecarried out a survey and we noticed that despite having somerelevant points and also opposite ones, there is no considerabledifference among them, at least in the investigated context concerningsuch perceptions and beliefs.Gêneros Discursivos no Contexto deFormação Inicial de Língua InglesaCarmen Ilma Belincanta Borghi (UEM)Luciana Cabrini Simôes CalvoO gênero discursivo como instrumento de ensino por meio deseqüências didáticas ain<strong>da</strong> se encontra restrito e recente naformação docente inicial de língua estrangeira. Dessa forma, opresente trabalho, inserido no grupo de pesquisa “Interação eEscrita” (CNPQ/UEM- www.escrita.uem.br), visa apresentar163

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