CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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Programação & Caderno de Resumosapenas para a contestação do patriarcado, mas também para areafirmação simbólica do arquétipo <strong>da</strong> Grande Mãe.Emplotment vs. Necessity – History in Hayden White andFredric JamesonSilvia Biehl (UFSC)In this paper, I attempt to analyze White’s and Jameson’snotions of history—as they appear, respectively, in the essay“The Historical Text as Literary Artifact” (2007) and in the introductorychapter of the book Political Unconscious (2007)—in order todiscuss possible differences in the political implications of theirconceptions. White is concerned with the “emplotment” of historicalevents into historical narratives. Considering history as a givenfact, White proposes that the products of historiography, historicaltexts, should not be understood as the product of objectiveinvestigation but as texts that share with literary texts theircharacteristic as plots. In contrast, Jameson conceives History(now with capital H) as Necessity. Arguing for and within a Marxistperspective, Jameson proposes three frameworks for theinterpretation of literary and other cultural artifacts. The finalframework, or political horizon, is precisely the historical, inwhich history is not to be understood as one more interpretativemode but as the ultimate ground of experience, even though itcannot be grasped but through its effects. In this sense, history,in White, is discussed within the constraints of the historicaltext itself; that is, White’s essay is concerned specifically withthe way in which history takes the form of a text, whereas, inJameson, history is discussed within the way in which it is itselfinterpreted. The result from this comparison is a difference inthe weight of history as a political force.The poem as a job: traduzir e a condição de estar sujeito àenergia poéticaSílvia Regina Gomes Miho (UFGD)Esta apresentação, fruto de minha pesquisa de doutorado, éum relato <strong>da</strong>s experiências vivencia<strong>da</strong>s no campo <strong>da</strong> traduçãode poemas e também de textos em prosa. A tese intitula<strong>da</strong> “EntreBeats e Bytes: a poesia experimental de Robert Creeley” temcomo objetivos, em primeiro lugar, trazer uma contribuição para304

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