CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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Programação & Caderno de ResumosLITERARY HISTORY AND CULTURAL SUPREMACY: the case ofEnglish literature in Brazil (1872-1940)Luiz Eduardo Meneses de Oliveira (UFS)Literary history can be understood as a discipline of literarystudies which acquired autonomy and consoli<strong>da</strong>ted at schoolsand in the universities with the decay of the studies of Rhetoricand Poetics, in the middle of the nineteenth century. Absorbingand appropriating some theoretical and methodological elementsfrom those disciplines, as well as from modern Philology, in itsromantic enterprise of rescuing lost civilizations, it not only di<strong>da</strong> relevant service to the nation states, giving them the necessary<strong>da</strong>ta for the construction of their national identities, but alsoestablished the basis for the (re)conceptualization of literature,which came to be understood as the expression of the spirit ofthe peoples, as well as of their national cultures, and for itsconstitution as an object of study and teaching. This paper isrelated to the Research Group “History of the teaching of languagesin Brazil” (UFS/CNPq), which intends to investigate the processof institutionalization of the teaching of languages and theirrespective literatures, as well as of their configuration as a schooland academic discipline, trying to delineate its pe<strong>da</strong>gogical, politicaland cultural purposes in the education system of the country.Its objective is to investigate the way how the institutionalizationof English literary history became a privileged instrument in theprocess of affirmation of the national identity and cultural supremacyof the English people, analyzing the case of some textbooks ofEnglish literature produced or published in Brazil from 1872 to1940.Eggs, chickens, journeys, and female identities – What dothey have to do with Lispector, Mukherjee, and Atwood?Luiz Manoel <strong>da</strong> Silva Oliveira (UFRJ)The main goal of this communication is to analyze recurrentidentitary issues and certain writing strategies emblematic ofthe feminine/feminist questions in “The Egg and the Chicken”and “Love”, by Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector; “A Wife’s Story”,by Indian-American writer Bharati Mukherjee; and Surfacing, byCanadian author Margaret Atwood, under a comparative perspective.278

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