CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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13:30 - Colóquios de Pesquisa14:30 - Minicursos<strong>II</strong> <strong>Congresso</strong> <strong>Internacional</strong> <strong>da</strong> ABRAPUIProfa. Dra. Solange Vereza (UFF) – “Recent tendencies ofresearch on metaphor”Profa. Dra. Maximina Maria Freire (PUC/SP) - “Interfacesdigitais na formação inicial do professor de inglês: possibili<strong>da</strong>dese implicações”Profa. Dra. Leila Bárbara (PUC/SP) – “Systemic LinguisticsApplied to Discourse Analysis”Profa. Dra. Laura P.Z. de Izarra (USP) – “Alternative LiteraryPerspectives on Imagined Translocations”Prof. Dr. Marcel dos Santos (PUC/MG) – “Língua Literaturae Interativi<strong>da</strong>de”Profa.Dra. Cleide Rapucci (UNESP/Assis) - “Angela Carterpara crianças?”Prof. Dr. Alvaro Hattnher (UNESP/SJRP) – “Narrative Hunger:An Introduction to Some Theories of A<strong>da</strong>ptation”Prof. Dr. Ricardo Maria dos Santos (UNESP/Araraquara) –“Queer Theory and Literature: Interactions”Prof. Dr. Joseph Skerrett, Jr (University of MassachusettsAmherst) - “African American Satire: Alice Childress and LangstoneHughes”17:00 - Coffee-break17:30 - Comunicações individuais e coordena<strong>da</strong>s V<strong>II</strong>03 <strong>DE</strong> JUNHO, QUARTA-FEIRA8:00 - Mesas-Redon<strong>da</strong>sLíngua InglesaProfa. Dra. Marisa Grigoletto (USP) – “Discourse about theEnglish language in Brazil: implications for teaching”Profa. Dra. Leila Bárbara (PUC/SP) – “Text, Grammar andLanguage Teaching”5

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