CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp

CADERNO DE RESUMOS II Congresso Internacional da ... - Unesp


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<strong>II</strong> <strong>Congresso</strong> <strong>Internacional</strong> <strong>da</strong> ABRAPUIThe Recovery of the Past through Memory inToni Morrison’s Beloved (1987)Marcela de Araújo Pinto (UNESP/SJRP)This paper analyses the narrative structure of Beloved (1987)based on the term rememory, coined by Sethe, one of its characters.Sethe defines rememory as the image and the place which remain(individually and in the world) after things and moments no longerexist. Sethe and her family, living in the American reconstructionperiod after the Civil War (1861-1865), can only see their future,in freedom, by dealing with their traumatic past under slavery.Therefore, the narrative structure of the novel follows the patternestablished by the characters’ rememory to recover the past.This kind of memory extends itself from an individual scale toa collective memory that develops into history. In this sense,the narrative function of recuperating personal events is understoodunder Paul Ricoeur’s definition (2007) of testimony as the mainstructure of transition between memory and history, consideringthat both share the problematics of representing the past. Thehistorical text, however, may be perceived as the poetic processof creating a verbal image of reality, which points to a problemof representation concerning the interrelations between historyand literature, according to Hayden White (1978). Thus, the objectiveof this study is to present a reading of Beloved that brings upthe issues raised in the novel regarding the relations amongmemory, literature and history, based on Lin<strong>da</strong> Hutcheon’s conceptof (1989/1995) historiographic metafiction.Tradução: muito mais que um processointer-lingual, uma ponte entre culturas.Marcela Iochem Valente (FEUDUC)O presente trabalho objetiva analisar aspectos relativos àTradução Intercultural ressaltando as intersecções existentesentre os Estudos Literários, Culturais e de Tradução. Para tal,inicialmente iremos apresentar uma breve síntese teórica buscandodeixar clara a relação entre as três áreas a partir de teoriascomo as de Susan Bassnett, Maria Tymoczko, Emily Apter, StuartHall e Homi Bhabha. Em segui<strong>da</strong>, vamos trabalhar com a análisede alguns trechos de obras de escritoras afro-americanas, sendoduas delas já traduzi<strong>da</strong>s para o português e uma ain<strong>da</strong> não traduzi<strong>da</strong>281

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